
ASUSTouchPadControl by ASUSTeK Computer Inc. (Signed)

Remove ASUSTouchPadControl.dll
MD5:   04dcecddc153cdec63e874f6715b495c
SHA1:   235bdc4e3dfa08ebb0774ea9b680dc72ef0c24a7
SHA256:   71388c2b0a321472a6b2bd0ff9c40ba60f13be03735bfd6c7574125bef71d281


asustouchpadcontrol.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. The assembly utilizes the .NET run-time framework (which is required to be installed on the PC). The file is digitally signed by ASUSTeK Computer Inc. which was issued by the VeriSign certificate authority (CA).


File name:asustouchpadcontrol.dll
Publisher:ASUSTek Computer Inc.
Product name:ASUSTouchPadControl
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\asus\asus vivobook\asustouchpadcontrol.dll
File version:
Size:16.34 KB (16,736 bytes)
Build date:11/29/2012 9:41 AM
Issued to:ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Expiration date:Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Digital DNA
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C# / Basic .NET
More details

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 8.1 50.00%
Windows 8 50.00%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 50.00% of ASUSTouchPadControl.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
ASUS 100.00%
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