Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegOpenKeyExA, RegQueryValueExA, RegCloseKey, RegOpenKeyA
SetTextAlign, SetBkMode, PatBlt, GetBitmapBits, ExtTextOutA, GetTextExtentPointA, GetCharABCWidthsA, GetTextMetricsA, SetTextColor, SetBkColor, CreateBitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, DeleteDC, SelectObject, GetFontData, DeleteObject, GetDeviceCaps
CreateEventA, GetVersionExA, SystemTimeToFileTime, GetSystemTime, ResetEvent, WaitForSingleObject, GetLastError, GetACP, InterlockedDecrement, InterlockedIncrement, FileTimeToSystemTime, FileTimeToLocalFileTime, MapViewOfFile, CreateFileMappingA, UnmapViewOfFile, WriteFile, FlushFileBuffers, SetEvent, GetSystemInfo, GetTimeZoneInformation, CompareStringA, GetModuleFileNameA, GetWindowsDirectoryA, GetSystemDirectoryA, InterlockedExchange, LocalFree, LocalAlloc, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, GetCurrentProcessId, GetCurrentThreadId, QueryPerformanceCounter, IsDebuggerPresent, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, UnhandledExceptionFilter, GetCurrentProcess, GetSystemDefaultLCID, SetLastError, LoadLibraryA, FreeLibrary, WaitForMultipleObjects, FindNextChangeNotification, FindCloseChangeNotification, GetTickCount, FindClose, lstrlenA, CreateFileA, GetPrivateProfileStringA, lstrcmpiA, GetFileSize, SetFilePointer, ReadFile, LeaveCriticalSection, CloseHandle, EnterCriticalSection, DeleteCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSection, IsProcessorFeaturePresent, GetModuleHandleA, TerminateProcess, InterlockedCompareExchange, Sleep, RaiseException
SHGetSpecialFolderLocation, SHGetMalloc
RegisterClassA, MessageBoxA, wsprintfA, GetDesktopWindow, DestroyWindow, DefWindowProcA, CreateWindowExA, ReleaseDC, GetDC
Export table


CoolType Sat Oct 3 02:44:23 2009 by Adobe Systems

Remove CoolType.dll
MD5:   782e37f59eae400616fc17749861dff8
SHA1:   05d4ac6d4a5d52c4b9a71f9b722864c5af615140
SHA256:   6fe404ee1327c62210593b48da8cfc27f1efb546bec696a6cb69ddb9e226fa51

What is CoolType.dll?

CoolType is a software technology, designed by Adobe Systems to increase the legibility of text on color LCDs like laptop or TFT monitors, especially to make reading long text, like E-Books, easier. CoolType uses Subpixel rendering to effectively triple the usual resolution of the screen. This makes the text sharper, but the colors might be slightly incorrect at the edges.

About CoolType.dll (from Adobe Systems)

When you install Acrobat or Adobe Reader on a system with a browser, you automatically configure the browser to open PDF files within the browser window. Acrobat and Adobe Reader install ActiveX plug-


File name:cooltype.dll
Publisher:Adobe Systems Incorporated
Product name:CoolType Sat Oct 3 02:44:23 2009
Description:CoolType Typography Engine
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\adobe\reader 9.0\reader\cooltype.dll
File version:
Product version:56.563490
Size:2.32 MB (2,433,024 bytes)
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0
More details


The following programs will install this file
Adobe Systems Incorporated
8% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Reader are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
9% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Reader are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
9% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Reader are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
7% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Reader are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
10% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Reader are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
10% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Reader are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
9% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Reader are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
12% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Reader are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
8% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Reader are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
8% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Reader are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
5% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Reader are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate 100.00%
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