
ExpressBurn by NCH Software (Signed)

Remove expressburn.exe


expressburn.exe has 11 known versions, the most recent one is 4.66+. During installation the program adds a job to the Task Scheduler. The average file size is about 1.65 MB. It is an authenticode code-signed executable issued to NCH Software by the certification authority Thawte. Numerous variations of expressburn.exe have been installed with both Express Burn and Express Burn Disc Burning Software.

About expressburn.exe (from NCH Software)

Burning software to create and record discs quickly and easily on Windows or Mac. Audio is recorded with direct digital recording so perfect audio quality is maintained. Create MP3 CDs or Audio CDs


File name:expressburn.exe
Publisher:NCH Software
Product name:ExpressBurn
Description:Express Burn
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\nch software\expressburn\expressburn.exe
Issued to:NCH Software
Authority (CA):Thawte
Effective date:Thursday, July 28, 2011
Expiration date:Saturday, August 3, 2013

ResourcesPrograms installed in

(Note, the programs listed below are for all versions of ExpressBurn.)
NCH Software
26% remove
From the EULA: " During installation of this download you will be given the option to install closely related programs from the NCH Software suite. These are optional and you can select what you want ...
NCH Software
25% remove
Express Burn is a free CD burning program. With Express Burn you can record a data or audio discs quickly and easily by dragging the files you want onto the icon and clicking Burn CD. The software the...


(Note, the behaviors below are for all versions of expressburn.exe, select a unique version for details.)
Autoplay handlers
Runs under the registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers'
  • Handler name 'ExpressBurn.AutoPlay'
Scheduled tasks
  • The task 'ExpressBurnSevenDays' in the path '\NCH Software\ExpressBurnSevenDays'
  • The job 'ExpressBurnReminder' in the path '\NCH Software\ExpressBurnReminder'
  • Entry path '\NCH Software\ExpressBurnReminder'

VersionsAll file variations of expressburn.exe

MD5SHA-1File size
db6519651e21b31060315ee2b23d0637 b38a999a0da60d5c1c16ff0931ab2e8bd7ef6897 1.72 MB
5e6b631f25f1c9e38bf3015b0f68fdd7 73377f635f5f45af15a113e2331883d7a7ce52b8 1.72 MB
0457cf5ab267d2e5e85e49ff8530c2e7 c29fbcefd8d852ab90966c7098d3ef00f846bc81 1.65 MB
e5713b51982674e0299fa710c51ef739 d7281a1c9beafe5f707d13247fb63429e60b1987 1.65 MB
58c6ce7d0b1272623b502624ac3cc8f5 37c2b582c84e83eb1dbe7f6be8648e406bd739a7 1.69 MB
e9df818476a4cfb1e7add455a132d1ba 28e3f3fe1f0643244e2da3f5ba98069bfc0e77fe 1.68 MB
ead465cf96aff83d52bda4aaced7e49c 094fe001923149272d8a00452b56120a2908fb1e 1.66 MB
afc135d045a02046de25f8f03ae207b1 e04f307f7849b5928144c008e04635992cdd8513 1.65 MB
40870798f49be3dd6a4a3ea3fd469e92 19404c1ea13fca2a258a40a5e0ccb4d292638370 1.61 MB
6469702a58c2ac535faade630d21d53d c028e12239c429dc813713ae46fecd4181bbcb39 1.61 MB
87b4e49d9a10bb0ec27de1f1db648bd5 fb6ca6869ab83c13311b8cdb8a23f022dc55cf52 1.52 MB

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 32.35%
Windows 8 20.59%
Windows 8 Pro 11.76%
Windows Vista Home Premium 8.82%
Windows 7 Professional 8.82%
Windows 7 Ultimate 8.82%
Windows Developer Preview 2.94%
Microsoft Windows XP 2.94%
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 2.94%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 41.94% of ExpressBurn.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Toshiba 21.05%
Hewlett-Packard 15.79%
Alienware 10.53%
Acer 10.53%
MSI 10.53%
ASUS 10.53%
Gateway 10.53%
Intel 5.26%
American Megatrends 2.63%
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