
2, 7, 10, 0 9.38%
2, 6, 0, 0 9.38%
2, 6, 0, 0 53.13% 28.13%



GeekBuddyRSP by Comodo Security Solutions (Signed)

Remove GeekBuddyRSP.exe


There are 4 versions of geekbuddyrsp.exe in the wild, the latest version being 2, 7, 10, 0. It is started as a Windows Service called 'GeekBuddyRSP Server' with the name 'GeekBuddyRSP'. In addition, it is run under the context of the SYSTEM account with extensive privileges (the administrator accounts have the same privileges). During installation, a run registry key for all users is added that will cause the program to run each time any user logs on to Windows. The average file size is about 1.79 MB. The file is a digitally signed and issued to Comodo Security Solutions by COMODO CA Limited. Some variations of the file have been seen to be installed with the program GeekBuddy from COMODO. During the process's lifecycle, the typical CPU resource utilization is about 0.0020% including both foreground and background operations, the average private memory consumption is about 2.59 MB with the maximum memory reaching around 5.67 MB. Addionally, typically read and write I/O disk operations is about 2.78 KB per minute for reads and 2.78 KB per minute for writes.

What is geekbuddyrsp.exe?

GeekBuddyRSP Server for Windows is part of GeekBuddy, a support system built into Comodo Internet Security whereby a Comodo expert makes a remote connection to the user's computer and resolves a wide variety of technical issues, included but not restricted to virus cleaning and Internet security, such as software installation and printer setup. It is available in the paid-for versions of Comodo Internet Security, and as a separate subscription service.

About geekbuddyrsp.exe (from Comodo Security Solutions)

GeekBuddy is part of the Comodo Group, one of the world's most trusted Internet Security and Antivirus technology providers. With over 45 million PCs around the world protected by Comodo security soft


File name:geekbuddyrsp.exe
Publisher:Comodo Security Solutions, Inc.
Product name:GeekBuddyRSP
Description:GeekBuddyRSP Server for Windows
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\common files\comodo\geekbuddyrsp.exe
Issued to:Comodo Security Solutions
Authority (CA):COMODO CA Limited
Effective date:Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Expiration date:Friday, April 5, 2013
Windows Service
Service name:GeekBuddyRSP
Display name:GeekBuddyRSP Server

ResourcesPrograms installed in

(Note, the programs listed below are for all versions of GeekBuddyRSP.)
41% remove
GeekBuddy is part of the Comodo Group, one of the world's most trusted Internet Security and Antivirus technology providers. With over 45 million PCs around the world protected by Comodo security soft...


(Note, the behaviors below are for all versions of geekbuddyrsp.exe, select a unique version for details.)
Runs under 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services' by the Service Controller (services.exe)
  • 'GeekBuddyRSP' (GeekBuddyRSP Server)
  • GeekBuddyRSP
Startup files (all users) run
Runs under the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run'
  • 'gbrspcontrol' → "C:\Program Files\Common Files\COMODO\GeekBuddyRSP.exe" -controlservice -slave

VersionsAll file variations of geekbuddyrsp.exe

MD5SHA-1File size
39b47a50dc3d5e898298468307765710 14d257a4970771390f944fb15d0817fa475c1e5c 2.22 MB
24b6902ae2735c7c8ed6670e5e323ec9 25deb6e57c6d1d3b44e2b4560cb66e4bbbf11f46 1.77 MB
ae63d0db96c07cae5dc4cdb2b2a719a0 928a3b0dcc6f3db3f352af660115954a67a3ec1c 1.77 MB
31b5c233933caf0fb1499f458f04fd9a 4593da1aa7ff1e0cdc69845fd6be91c60b0d5f2b 1.4 MB

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 28.13%
Microsoft Windows XP 21.88%
Windows 7 Professional 15.63%
Windows 8 Pro 12.50%
Windows 7 Ultimate 9.38%
Windows 8 6.25%
Windows 8.1 3.13%
Windows 7 Ultimate N 3.13%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 59.38% of GeekBuddyRSP.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Dell 72.73%
ASUS 12.12%
Acer 9.09%
Toshiba 6.06%
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