
88ad9 92.31%
d55e7 7.69%
(Note, Speedchecker Ltd publishes each variation of this file with the same version, but the hashes are unique.)



By Speedchecker Ltd (Signed)

Remove pcsunotifier.exe
Warning 3 antivirus scanners has detected malware in various versions of pcsunotifier.exe.


pcsunotifier.exe has 2 known versions, the most recent one is . pcsunotifier.exe is run as a standard windows process with the logged in user's account privileges. By adding a startup entry to the run registry key, the file will be executed when the user logs into Windows. The average file size is about 184.26 KB. It is an authenticode code-signed executable issued to Speedchecker Ltd by the certification authority The USERTRUST Network. The programs PC Speed Up - Disinstallazione completa, PC Speed Up - Teljes uninstall and PC Beschleunigen - Complete uninstall have been observed as installing specific variations of pcsunotifier.exe. During the process's lifecycle, the typical CPU resource utilization is less than 0.01%, the average private memory consumption is about 1.79 MB.

About pcsunotifier.exe (from Speedchecker Ltd)

Do you feel that your PC does not work as it used to? The reason may be one or more problems acting together. The problem nowadays is that it is very difficult and time consuming to monitor and take c


File name:pcsunotifier.exe
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\pc speed up\pcsunotifier.exe
Issued to:Speedchecker Ltd
Authority (CA):The USERTRUST Network
Expiration date:Wednesday, January 9, 2013

ResourcesPrograms installed in

(Note, the programs listed below are for all versions of pcsunotifier.exe.)
Speedchecker Limited
50% remove
PC Speed Up will scan your PC and search for settings, processes and files that are slowing down your performance before it uses number of effective tools to optimise your computer. Using one-click, P...
Speedchecker Limited
  68% remove
Do you feel that your PC does not work as it used to? The reason may be one or more problems acting together. The problem nowadays is that it is very difficult and time consuming to monitor and take c...
Speedchecker Limited
  74% remove
Do you feel that your PC does not work as it used to? The reason may be one or more problems acting together. The problem nowadays is that it is very difficult and time consuming to monitor and take c...
Speedchecker Limited
  69% remove
Do you feel that your PC does not work as it used to? The reason may be one or more problems acting together. The problem nowadays is that it is very difficult and time consuming to monitor and take c...
Speedchecker Limited
  68% remove
Do you feel that your PC does not work as it used to? The reason may be one or more problems acting together. The problem nowadays is that it is very difficult and time consuming to monitor and take c...
Speedchecker Limited
  69% remove
PC Speed Up will scan your PC and search for settings, processes and files that are slowing down your performance before it uses number of effective tools to optimise your computer. Using one-click, P...
Speedchecker Limited
  65% remove
PC Speed Up will scan your PC and search for settings, processes and files that are slowing down your performance before it uses number of effective tools to optimise your computer. Using one-click, P...
Speedchecker Limited
  53% remove
PC Speed Up will scan your PC and search for settings, processes and files that are slowing down your performance before it uses number of effective tools to optimise your computer. Using one-click, P...


(Note, the behaviors below are for all versions of pcsunotifier.exe, select a unique version for details.)
Startup files (user) run
Runs under the registry key 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run'
  • 'PCSpeedUp' → C:\Program Files\PC Speed Up\PCSUNotifier.exe

MalwareMalware detections

Based on 40+ industry antivirus scanners, 3 of them detected the following malware.
Antivirus engineEngine versionDetectionFile version
AVG 2014.0.3629 PCCleaner.D 88ad973cbe5e3b37e0b2a44c7949dfd7
AVG 2014.0.3629 RegOrganizer.D d55e76825544ee29f1ffd155bc1edd4a
Trend Micro HouseCall 9.700.0.1001 TROJ_GEN.F47V0723 88ad973cbe5e3b37e0b2a44c7949dfd7

VersionsAll file variations of pcsunotifier.exe

MD5SHA-1File size
88ad973cbe5e3b37e0b2a44c7949dfd7 c1c85ce35bc2f059fe10cf4fdb602af3a0f0e2db 184.26 KB
d55e76825544ee29f1ffd155bc1edd4a 288e8d99e50be86654d1b0a63b4e91206fd1a7e5 184.26 KB

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate 46.15%
Windows 7 Ultimate N 38.46%
Microsoft Windows XP 7.69%
Windows 7 Home Premium 7.69%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 80.00% of pcsunotifier.exe.
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