Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
SetSecurityDescriptorSacl, GetLengthSid, ConvertStringSidToSidW, DuplicateTokenEx, RegCreateKeyExW, GetUserNameW, RegSetValueExW, RegDeleteValueW, RegCloseKey, RegQueryValueExW, RegOpenKeyW, RegOpenKeyExW, GetSecurityDescriptorSacl, ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW, SetSecurityDescriptorDacl, InitializeSecurityDescriptor, SetNamedSecurityInfoW, SetSecurityInfo, GetSidSubAuthority, GetSidSubAuthorityCount, GetTokenInformation, OpenProcessToken, CreateProcessAsUserW, SetTokenInformation
CreateSolidBrush, SetBkMode, GetObjectW, CreateFontIndirectW, SetTextColor, SelectObject, DeleteObject
RaiseException, EnterCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSection, DeleteCriticalSection, HeapDestroy, HeapAlloc, HeapFree, HeapReAlloc, HeapSize, GetProcessHeap, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, InterlockedCompareExchange, GetTickCount, FindResourceW, SizeofResource, LockResource, LoadResource, FindResourceExW, LoadLibraryA, Sleep, CloseHandle, CreateProcessW, ExpandEnvironmentStringsW, GetCurrentThreadId, lstrlenW, LocalFree, CreateThread, TerminateThread, WaitForSingleObject, FlushInstructionCache, GetCurrentProcess, GetVersionExW, LocalAlloc, GetLastError, FreeLibrary, GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryW, GetModuleHandleW, GetTempPathW, GetModuleFileNameW, FindClose, FindFirstFileW, GetCurrentProcessId, ReleaseMutex, MapViewOfFile, CreateMutexW, CreateFileMappingW, OpenFileMappingW, OpenMutexW, UnmapViewOfFile, FindNextFileW, CopyFileW, GlobalReAlloc, GlobalUnlock, GlobalLock, GlobalAlloc, GetDriveTypeW, SetFileAttributesW, RemoveDirectoryW, FormatMessageW, IsProcessorFeaturePresent, VirtualFree, VirtualAlloc, InterlockedExchange, TerminateProcess, UnhandledExceptionFilter, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, IsDebuggerPresent, QueryPerformanceCounter, MultiByteToWideChar
CoUninitialize, CoInitialize, StringFromCLSID, CoTaskMemFree
WindowFromAccessibleObject, AccessibleObjectFromWindow, GetRoleTextW, AccessibleObjectFromPoint
GetRegInfo, Register
SHFileOperationW, SHGetSpecialFolderPathW, ShellExecuteW, ShellExecuteExW
PathFileExistsW, StrRChrW, PathAppendW, PathIsDirectoryW
GetWindowLongW, GetParent, ShowWindow, RegisterWindowMessageW, SetCursorPos, IsWindowVisible, SetWindowLongW, PostMessageW, MessageBoxW, GetSystemMetrics, IsWindow, EnumWindows, WaitForInputIdle, EnumChildWindows, GetCursorPos, GetWindowThreadProcessId, FindWindowExW, SendMessageW, CallWindowProcW, SetCursor, DefWindowProcW, SetWindowTextW, KillTimer, SetWindowPos, LoadCursorW, SetTimer, GetDlgItem, PtInRect, ChildWindowFromPointEx, MapWindowPoints, GetKeyState, VkKeyScanW, mouse_event, keybd_event, ScreenToClient, RealGetWindowClassW, GetWindowModuleFileNameW, SetRectEmpty, IsIconic, GetDesktopWindow, OpenClipboard, EmptyClipboard, CloseClipboard, SetClipboardData, MapDialogRect, CreateDialogParamW, UpdateWindow, DialogBoxParamW, MoveWindow, EndPaint, BeginPaint, GetClientRect, GetWindowTextLengthW, GetWindowTextW, LoadImageW, DrawIconEx, DrawTextW, DestroyIcon, DestroyCursor, PostThreadMessageW, GetMessageW, TranslateMessage, DispatchMessageW, DestroyWindow, RegisterClassW, CreateWindowExW, ClientToScreen, GetDlgItemTextW, IsDlgButtonChecked, SetFocus, SetDlgItemTextW, PostQuitMessage, ShowCursor, GetWindowRect
GetFileVersionInfoSizeW, GetFileVersionInfoW, VerQueryValueW


Web Replay - Automated password manager, form filler and identity protection. by Deskperience Software (Signed)

Remove PwdMan.dll
Version:   4, 0, 0, 15
MD5:   da2f8b3e82837c0263989f8037cf6128
SHA1:   d70b25ca75701dda307cdc3beb7e1e625c4a0875

What is PwdMan.dll?

Web Replay is a freeware password manager that runs within Internet Explorer are well as the Window's task bar. In Internet Explorer, Web Replay will automatically fill in login form information.

About PwdMan.dll (from Deskperience Software)

Web Replay is a FREE Password manager that handles both online & offline passwords. Making your life easier starts right on your desktop with the Web Replay Management Studio. The new Web Replay prov


File name:pwdman.dll
Product name:Web Replay - Automated password manager, form filler and identity protection.
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\deskperience\web replay\pwdman.dll
File version:4, 0, 0, 15
Size:341.3 KB (349,496 bytes)
Issued to:Deskperience Software
Authority (CA):The USERTRUST Network
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0
More details


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Web Replay Password Manager new and unique feature, available on IE9 <-> Win 7 taskbar: first drag an IE tab with a login page and pin it to taskbar. Next time when you want to log into your account, click website icon pinned to taskbar, the page opens and the login fields are green and auto-filled with your username and password. One smart choice to be more productive using Web Replay Password Manager macros is to save a Tag shortcu...

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Professional 100.00%
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