Should I block it?

40% of PCs block this file from running.
Possible reason:
Performance resource utilization


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegQueryValueExA, RegEnumValueW, RegQueryInfoKeyA, RegEnumKeyExA, RegQueryInfoKeyW, RegSetValueExA, RegCloseKey, RegDeleteValueA, RegDeleteKeyA, RegCreateKeyExA, RegOpenKeyExA
CreateCompatibleBitmap, OffsetViewportOrgEx, GetStockObject, CreateSolidBrush, GetDeviceCaps, BitBlt, GetObjectA, CreateDIBSection, DeleteObject, SelectObject, DeleteDC, CreateCompatibleDC
GetThreadLocale, LockResource, FindResourceW, FindResourceExW, GetCurrentProcess, CloseHandle, WaitForSingleObject, FlushInstructionCache, GetCurrentThreadId, SetLastError, CreateFileA, CreateThread, InitializeCriticalSection, GetTickCount, InterlockedExchange, lstrcmpA, MulDiv, GlobalUnlock, GlobalLock, GlobalAlloc, LoadLibraryA, GetDateFormatA, FileTimeToSystemTime, Sleep, ReleaseMutex, SetEvent, ResetEvent, CreateMutexA, CreateEventA, GetEnvironmentVariableA, SetEnvironmentVariableA, WriteFile, FileTimeToLocalFileTime, GetFileTime, MapViewOfFile, CreateFileMappingA, OpenFileMappingA, GetFileSize, UnmapViewOfFile, ReadFile, SetFilePointer, HeapDestroy, HeapAlloc, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, CreateDirectoryA, SetThreadLocale, CompareStringW, FlushFileBuffers, CreateFileW, WriteConsoleW, SetStdHandle, LoadLibraryW, GetConsoleMode, GetConsoleCP, IsValidLocale, EnumSystemLocalesA, GetLocaleInfoA, GetUserDefaultLCID, GetStringTypeW, GetTimeZoneInformation, GetCurrentProcessId, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetEnvironmentStringsW, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetStartupInfoW, GetFileType, SetHandleCount, GetLocaleInfoW, GetModuleFileNameW, GetStdHandle, IsValidCodePage, GetOEMCP, GetACP, ExitProcess, TlsFree, TlsSetValue, TlsGetValue, TlsAlloc, HeapCreate, TerminateProcess, IsDebuggerPresent, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, UnhandledExceptionFilter, GetCPInfo, LCMapStringW, GetTimeFormatA, GetCommandLineA, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, VirtualQuery, GetSystemInfo, VirtualProtect, RtlUnwind, LocalFree, DecodePointer, EncodePointer, InterlockedPopEntrySList, VirtualAlloc, VirtualFree, IsProcessorFeaturePresent, LoadLibraryExA, FindResourceA, LoadResource, SizeofResource, FreeLibrary, InterlockedDecrement, InterlockedIncrement, IsDBCSLeadByte, GetModuleHandleW, lstrcmpiA, lstrlenA, GetModuleHandleA, GetProcAddress, RaiseException, MultiByteToWideChar, GetModuleFileNameA, CreateProcessA, lstrlenW, WideCharToMultiByte, GetLastError, HeapFree, DeleteCriticalSection, InterlockedPushEntrySList, InterlockedCompareExchange, GetProcessHeap, HeapSize, HeapReAlloc
CoTaskMemFree, CoTaskMemRealloc, CoTaskMemAlloc, CoCreateInstance, StringFromGUID2, StringFromCLSID, OleRun, CoInitialize, CoUninitialize, CreateItemMoniker, CLSIDFromProgID, CLSIDFromString, OleLockRunning, CoGetClassObject, CreateStreamOnHGlobal, OleInitialize, OleUninitialize, GetRunningObjectTable, CoCreateGuid
SHGetSpecialFolderPathW, SHGetFileInfoA
StrCmpIW, SHSetValueA, SHDeleteValueA, SHGetValueA, StrToIntExA
SetWindowLongA, CharNextA, PostMessageA, GetClassInfoExA, LoadCursorA, CreateWindowExA, RegisterClassExA, DestroyWindow, CharUpperBuffA, DefWindowProcA, GetWindowLongA, CallWindowProcA, SetWindowTextA, GetWindowRect, GetClientRect, ScreenToClient, IsWindowVisible, SetTimer, IsWindow, CharNextW, UnregisterClassA, MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, PeekMessageA, TranslateMessage, DispatchMessageA, FindWindowExA, EnumChildWindows, GetWindowThreadProcessId, SystemParametersInfoA, InflateRect, SetForegroundWindow, GetWindowTextLengthA, GetWindowTextA, AnimateWindow, GetCursorPos, OffsetRect, ShowWindow, RegisterWindowMessageA, SendMessageTimeoutA, GetCaretBlinkTime, CreateAcceleratorTableA, SendMessageA, GetDesktopWindow, SetFocus, DestroyAcceleratorTable, BeginPaint, EndPaint, FillRect, ReleaseCapture, GetClassNameA, GetDlgItem, SetCapture, RedrawWindow, InvalidateRgn, InvalidateRect, ReleaseDC, GetDC, ClientToScreen, SetWindowPos, MoveWindow, GetSysColor, UpdateLayeredWindow, CharLowerBuffA, GetFocus, GetParent, GetWindow, IsChild
freeaddrinfo, getaddrinfo
Export table


Montiera Toolbar by Montera Technologeis LTD (Signed)

Remove zonealarmeng.dll
MD5:   2d81e460c48794147b2e1e984dafec96
SHA1:   a1a1fb734c06f94a4ddb04f9ddf6b2cc4544a3ef
SHA256:   490b82c33aab39ffef80b217f6b3a2923cc832ef2695061c50d68762180dfb27

What is zonealarmeng.dll?

ZoneAlarm Toolbar is a web browser installed add-ons that replacing the existing search engine and settings. ZoneAlarm Toolbar is considered an adware program in many cases. It was developed by Montera Technologies (makers of teh Clario adware toolbar) and comes bundled with free or trialware programs. While using ZoneAlarm Toolbar, Internet browsing habits are being tracked and the collected information could be sold to third parties.

About zonealarmeng.dll (from Montera Technologeis LTD)

ZoneAlarm Security Toolbar is keeping you protected and connected.


zonealarmeng.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. It is installed with a couple of know programs including ZoneAlarm Security Toolbar published by Check Point, Inc, ZoneAlarm Security Toolbar from Check Point, Inc and ZoneAlarm Security Toolbar by Check Point, Inc. The file is digitally signed by Montera Technologeis LTD. This particular version is usually found on Windows 7 Ultimate N (6.1.7601.65536).


File name:zonealarmeng.dll
Publisher:Montera Technologeis LTD
Product name:Montiera Toolbar
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\check point software technologies ltd\zonealarm\\zonealarmeng.dll
File version:
Size:543.1 KB (556,136 bytes)
Issued to:Montera Technologeis LTD
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
More details


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Fraps is a universal Windows application that can be used with games using DirectX or OpenGL graphic technology. Show how many Frames Per Second (FPS) you are getting in a corner of your screen. Perform custom benchmarks and measure the frame rate between any two points. Save the statistics out to disk and use them for your own reviews and applications. Take a screenshot with the press of a key! There's no need to paste into a paint ...
Check Point, Inc
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The ZoneAlarm Security Toolbar installs a OurToolbar toolbar in your Web browser that collects and stores information about your web browsing and sends this information to OurToolbar so they can suggest services or provide ads via the toolbar. It also may automatically download and install updates without notifying the user. This is a PPI (pay per install) toolbar. For each install and for every month the user whose web browser this is...

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate N 100.00%
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