
4125c 78.95%
1645b 10.53%
de214 10.53%
(Note, the developer publishes each variation of this file with the same version, but the hashes are unique.)


Remove gstcoreplugins.dll


gstcoreplugins.dll has 3 known versions, the most recent one is . The average file size is about 99 KB.

What is gstcoreplugins.dll?

GStreamer is a pipeline-based multimedia framework allows a program to create a variety of media-handling components, including simple audio playback, audio and video playback, recording, streaming and editing. The pipeline design serves as a base to create many types of multimedia applications such as video editors, streaming media broadcasters and media players.


File name:gstcoreplugins.dll
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\opera\gstreamer\plugins\gstcoreplugins.dll

VersionsAll file variations of gstcoreplugins.dll

MD5SHA-1File size
4125c4d8d5f0db304b42d0f0aa9e9485 b07af6011e41a1b08f9c0cf9e481df7d582eb5c8 94 KB
1645b21d06d5888de46d4020661cbcd1 1b044449fecb8b5277d92b6fcd83b65b37829ba3 97.5 KB
de214f23cdf45da8d6abe9712a78d616 2cd8d74c1f1302b20d41b9f15a83262d53199c1c 105.5 KB

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate 26.32%
Microsoft Windows XP 21.05%
Windows 7 Home Basic 15.79%
Windows 7 Home Premium 10.53%
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 5.26%
Windows 7 Professional 5.26%
Windows 7 Enterprise 5.26%
Windows 8 Pro 5.26%
Windows Vista Ultimate 5.26%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

AZ installs about 10.53% of gstcoreplugins.dll.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Toshiba 22.22%
ASUS 22.22%
Lenovo 22.22%
American Megatrends 11.11%
Hewlett-Packard 11.11%
Samsung 5.56%
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