Should I block it?

40% of PCs block this file from running.
Possible reason:
Performance resource utilization


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegQueryValueExW, RegOpenKeyExW, RegCloseKey, LookupPrivilegeValueW, AdjustTokenPrivileges, OpenProcessToken
lstrcmpiA, LoadLibraryA, LocalFree, LocalAlloc, Sleep, VirtualFree, VirtualAlloc, GetACP, GetSystemInfo, GetTickCount, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetVersion, GetCurrentThreadId, VirtualQuery, WideCharToMultiByte, MultiByteToWideChar, lstrlenW, lstrcpynW, LoadLibraryExW, IsValidLocale, GetSystemDefaultUILanguage, GetStartupInfoA, GetProcAddress, GetModuleHandleW, GetModuleFileNameW, GetUserDefaultUILanguage, GetLocaleInfoW, GetLastError, GetCommandLineW, FreeLibrary, FindFirstFileW, FindClose, ExitProcess, CompareStringW, WriteFile, UnhandledExceptionFilter, RtlUnwind, RaiseException, GetStdHandle, DeleteCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSection, CloseHandle, TlsSetValue, TlsGetValue, TlsFree, TlsAlloc, WritePrivateProfileStringW, WaitForSingleObject, VirtualQueryEx, SwitchToThread, SetLastError, SetFilePointer, SetEvent, SetErrorMode, SetEndOfFile, ResetEvent, ReadFile, OutputDebugStringW, GetVolumeInformationW, GetVersionExW, GetThreadLocale, GetPrivateProfileStringW, GetLocalTime, GetFullPathNameW, GetFileAttributesW, GetDriveTypeW, GetDiskFreeSpaceW, GetDateFormatW, GetCurrentProcess, GetCPInfoExW, GetCPInfo, InterlockedExchangeAdd, InterlockedCompareExchange, FormatMessageW, EnumSystemLocalesW, EnumCalendarInfoW, CreateFileW, CreateEventW
RtlZeroMemory, RtlInitUnicodeString, NtWriteFile, NtWaitForSingleObject, NtReadFile, NtQueryVolumeInformationFile, NtQueryPerformanceCounter, NtQueryInformationFile, NtQueryDirectoryFile, NtFsControlFile, NtFlushBuffersFile, NtDeviceIoControlFile, NtCreateFile, NtClose
SysFreeString, SysReAllocStringLen, SysAllocStringLen, SafeArrayPtrOfIndex, SafeArrayGetUBound, SafeArrayGetLBound, SafeArrayCreate, VariantChangeType, VariantCopy, VariantClear, VariantInit
LoadStringW, MessageBoxA, CharNextW, MessageBoxW, CharUpperW
Export table


Wise Disk Defrag by ZhiQing Soft Ltd. (Signed)

Remove WiseDefrag.dll
MD5:   f14d308d1307c4d16725fa2feb1ba31a
SHA1:   5f906a3aee072b7e041ca92d930ef351d54bfbcb
SHA256:   9f422dc5c2cba8cca65a14d6a60d06ad794a67085188f5d7f1c5bc80c2b721b7

What is WiseDefrag.dll?

Wise Care 365 is registry cleaner utility whose purported purpose is to remove redundant items from the Windows registry. Wise Care 365 automates the process of looking for invalid entries, missing file references or broken links within the registry and resolving or removing them. The necessity and usefulness of registry cleaners is a controversial topic, with experts in disagreement over their benefits.

About WiseDefrag.dll (from ZhiQing Soft Ltd.)

Wise Care 365 is a bundle of important registry, disk, and other system utilities for your PC. Easy to use and effective, Wise Care 365 is the good solution to improve your PC's performance. Get Wise


File name:wisedefrag.dll
Product name:Wise Disk Defrag
Description:Disk Defrag Core
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\wise\wise care 365\wisedefrag.dll
File version:
Product version:1.0
Size:415.54 KB (425,512 bytes)
Issued to:ZhiQing Soft Ltd.
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
More details


The following programs will install this file, Inc.
  55% remove
Wise Care 365, developed by, is a freeware utility program used to help manage, maintain, optimize, configure and troubleshoot a Windows computer system. It can clean invalid Windows Registry entries, useless files, defragment and optimize the registry and Disk from a computer etc. It also provides some useful tools, such as Wise Data Recovery., Inc.
24% remove
Wise Disk Cleaner developed by, is a utility program used to remove potentially unwanted files and defragment computer disk partitions. Wise Disk Cleaner can remove temporary or potentially unwanted files left by certain programs, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome. Wise Disk Cleaner will also clean potentially unused system files.

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate N 100.00%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 100.00% of Wise Disk Defrag.
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