Should I block it?

40% of PCs block this file from running.
Possible reason:
Performance resource utilization

VersionsAdditional versions

9.22 beta 5.88%
9.20 17.65%
9.20 41.18%
9.15 beta 5.88%
4.65 29.41%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
GetUserNameW, RegOpenKeyExA, RegCloseKey, RegDeleteKeyA, RegEnumKeyExA, RegSetValueExA, RegSetValueExW, RegQueryValueExA, RegCreateKeyExA, RegQueryValueExW
CreateStatusWindowW, InitCommonControlsEx, ImageList_GetImageCount, ImageList_AddMasked, ImageList_Create, ImageList_Destroy, PropertySheetW, PropertySheetA, CreateToolbarEx
GetOpenFileNameA, GetOpenFileNameW
SetEndOfFile, WriteFile, SetFilePointer, GetFileSize, CreateFileA, GetLogicalDriveStringsW, GetLogicalDriveStringsA, FindFirstChangeNotificationW, FindFirstChangeNotificationA, FindCloseChangeNotification, FindNextFileW, FindNextFileA, FindFirstFileW, FindFirstFileA, FindClose, GetTempFileNameW, GetTempFileNameA, GetTempPathW, GetTempPathA, GetCurrentDirectoryW, GetFullPathNameW, GetFullPathNameA, DeleteFileW, DeleteFileA, CreateDirectoryW, CreateDirectoryA, MoveFileW, RemoveDirectoryW, SetFileAttributesW, MoveFileA, RemoveDirectoryA, SetFileAttributesA, SetLastError, CreateFileW, SetFileTime, GetWindowsDirectoryW, GetWindowsDirectoryA, ReadFile, GetDiskFreeSpaceA, FormatMessageW, FormatMessageA, LocalFree, GetModuleFileNameW, GetModuleFileNameA, LoadLibraryW, GetVolumeInformationA, LoadLibraryExA, WideCharToMultiByte, MultiByteToWideChar, GetCurrentProcess, SetPriorityClass, lstrcatA, lstrlenA, GetTickCount, FileTimeToLocalFileTime, WaitForMultipleObjects, Sleep, CreateProcessA, CreateProcessW, CloseHandle, CompareFileTime, GlobalAlloc, GlobalFree, GlobalSize, GlobalLock, GlobalUnlock, GetSystemDefaultLangID, GetUserDefaultLangID, AreFileApisANSI, GetModuleHandleW, GetModuleHandleA, CopyFileA, WaitForSingleObject, FindNextChangeNotification, GetCompressedFileSizeW, GetDriveTypeA, GetCommandLineW, GetVersionExA, LoadLibraryA, FileTimeToSystemTime, HeapFree, GetProcessHeap, HeapAlloc, FileTimeToDosDateTime, SystemTimeToFileTime, GetSystemTime, GetStdHandle, UnmapViewOfFile, MapViewOfFile, CreateFileMappingA, FreeLibrary, GetProcAddress, DeleteCriticalSection, GetLastError, InterlockedDecrement, InterlockedIncrement, EnterCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, LoadLibraryExW, GetVolumeInformationW, CreateEventA, VirtualAlloc, VirtualFree, SetEvent, InitializeCriticalSection, GetStartupInfoA, DeviceIoControl, CopyFileW
WNetOpenEnumA, WNetCloseEnum, WNetEnumResourceA, WNetEnumResourceW, WNetGetResourceParentA, WNetGetResourceParentW, WNetGetResourceInformationA, WNetGetResourceInformationW, WNetAddConnection2A, WNetAddConnection2W, WNetOpenEnumW
CoTaskMemAlloc, CoTaskMemFree, OleUninitialize, OleInitialize, RegisterDragDrop, RevokeDragDrop, DoDragDrop, CoUninitialize, CoInitialize, CoCreateInstance, ReleaseStgMedium
SHChangeNotify, ShellExecuteExA, SHGetDesktopFolder, SHGetPathFromIDListA, SHBrowseForFolderA, SHFileOperationA, SHGetMalloc, SHGetFileInfoA, SHGetSpecialFolderLocation, ShellExecuteA, DragFinish, DragQueryFileA, DragQueryFileW
LoadBitmapA, GetWindowRect, EnableWindow, EndDialog, PostMessageA, PostQuitMessage, ShowWindow, SetWindowPlacement, CreateWindowExA, DestroyWindow, GetWindowLongA, SetWindowLongA, SetFocus, InsertMenuItemA, GetClassInfoW, GetClassInfoA, DialogBoxParamW, DialogBoxParamA, GetWindowTextLengthW, GetWindowTextW, GetWindowTextLengthA, GetWindowTextA, SetWindowTextW, SetWindowTextA, CreateWindowExW, RegisterClassW, RegisterClassA, SendMessageW, LoadStringW, LoadStringA, AppendMenuW, SendMessageA, InsertMenuItemW, SetMenuItemInfoA, SetMenuItemInfoW, GetMenuItemInfoA, GetMenuItemInfoW, CharPrevA, SetClipboardData, EmptyClipboard, CloseClipboard, OpenClipboard, CharLowerW, CharLowerA, CharUpperW, CharUpperA, CheckDlgButton, KillTimer, wsprintfA, SetDlgItemTextA, IsDlgButtonChecked, ClientToScreen, GetCursorPos, AppendMenuA, TrackPopupMenuEx, ScreenToClient, IsWindowEnabled, ChildWindowFromPointEx, WindowFromPoint, RegisterClipboardFormatA, SetWindowLongW, InvalidateRect, UpdateWindow, SetTimer, MapVirtualKeyA, CallWindowProcW, CallWindowProcA, GetParent, GetKeyState, GetSubMenu, CreatePopupMenu, RemoveMenu, CheckMenuRadioItem, CheckMenuItem, GetMenuItemCount, GetMenu, LoadMenuA, SetMenu, DrawMenuBar, DestroyMenu, GetDlgItem, MoveWindow, IsZoomed, GetClientRect, MessageBoxW, ReleaseCapture, SetCapture, GetCapture, DefWindowProcW, DefWindowProcA, LoadAcceleratorsW, GetMessageW, TranslateAcceleratorW, TranslateMessage, DispatchMessageW, LoadAcceleratorsA, GetMessageA, TranslateAcceleratorA, DispatchMessageA, LoadIconA, LoadCursorA, GetWindowPlacement, GetDialogBaseUnits, SystemParametersInfoA, SetCursor, MapDialogRect, EnableMenuItem, CheckRadioButton


7-Zip by Igor Pavlov

Remove 7zFM.exe
Version:   4.65
MD5:   00501883bc325205df90e72263743361
SHA1:   676ff0f6b79cc4fe0747638a25d3e70585dced8b
SHA256:   2d1f382c705e3d411f54f045afe4c9703b2103235f67b4de261569842c4be80d

What is 7zFM.exe?

7-Zip archive utility was developed as an open source project by Igor Pavlov. It is free to use at home or for commercial use. 7Zip runs on Windows and includes both a GUI interface and a command line interface. 7-Zip is the winner for its superior speed, support for multiple archive formats and its features missing some of which even missing from some commercial utilities.

About 7zFM.exe (from Igor Pavlov)

Open source and free archive utility that was developed by Igor Pavlov. 7Zip runs on Windows and includes both a GUI interface and a command line interface. The command line interface is also availabl


File name:7zfm.exe
Publisher:Igor Pavlov
Product name:7-Zip
Description:7-Zip File Manager
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\7-zip\7zfm.exe
File version:4.65
Size:379 KB (388,096 bytes)
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++
More details


The following programs will install this file
Igor Pavlov
8% remove
7-Zip is an open source file archiver. 7-Zip operates with the 7z archive format, but can read and write several other archive formats. The program can be used from a command line interface, graphical user interface, or with a window-based shell integration. By default, 7-Zip creates 7z format archives with a .7z file extension. Each archive can contain multiple directories and files. As a container format, security or size reduction ar...
Igor Pavlov
5% remove
7-Zip is an open source file archiver. 7-Zip operates with the 7z archive format, but can read and write several other archive formats. The program can be used from a command line interface, graphical user interface, or with a window-based shell integration. By default, 7-Zip creates 7z format archives with a .7z file extension.
Igor Pavlov
15% remove
7-Zip is an open source file archiver. 7-Zip operates with the 7z archive format, but can read and write several other archive formats. The program can be used from a command line interface, graphical user interface, or with a window-based shell integration. By default, 7-Zip creates 7z format archives with a .7z file extension. Each archive can contain multiple directories and files. As a container format, security or size reduction ar...


Windows firewall allowed programs
Exceptions allow programs to access to the Internet through an outbound connections
  • Firewall exception for 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zFM.exe'
Scheduled tasks
  • The task '{CE6F7BFE-F1D0-4FA1-B906-61CEF8978F6F}' runs on registration in the path '\{CE6F7BFE-F1D0-4FA1-B906-61CEF8978F6F}'

ResourcesResource utilization

(Note: statistics below are averages based on a minimum sample size of 200 unique participants)
Total CPU:0.02082349%
Kernel CPU:0.01083928%
User CPU:0.00998421%
Kernel CPU time:194 ms/min
Private memory:5.13 MB
21.59 MB
Private (maximum):3.86 MB
Private (minimum):1012.8 KB
Non-paged memory:5.13 MB
21.59 MB
Virtual memory:97.64 MB
140.96 MB
Virtual memory (peak):120.46 MB
169.69 MB
Working set:1.29 MB
18.61 MB
Working set (peak):11.27 MB
37.95 MB
Resource allocations
GUI GDI count:89
GUI GDI peak:101
GUI USER count:36
GUI USER peak:46

BehaviorsProcess properties

Integrety level:Undefined
Command line:"C:\Program Files\7-zip\7zfm.exe"

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate 35.29%
Windows 8 35.29%
Microsoft Windows XP 17.65%
Windows 7 Home Premium 5.88%
Windows 7 Ultimate N 5.88%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 91.67% of 7-Zip.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Toshiba 80.00%
Sahara 13.33%
Acer 6.67%
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