Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

1, 5, 395, 0 5.88%
1, 5, 395, 0 5.88%
1, 5, 393, 22 29.41%
1, 5, 393, 22 11.76%
1, 5, 393, 18 23.53%
1, 5, 393, 18 5.88%
1, 5, 388, 0 5.88%
1, 5, 388, 0 5.88%
1, 5, 350, 0 5.88%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
ImageList_LoadImageW, ImageList_GetIcon, _TrackMouseEvent, ImageList_Destroy
LineTo, CreatePen, SetStretchBltMode, DeleteDC, SetBkMode, SetTextColor, CreateDIBSection, BitBlt, GdiFlush, GetTextExtentPoint32W, CreateRectRgn, GetClipRgn, CreateRectRgnIndirect, ExtSelectClipRgn, SelectClipRgn, MoveToEx, ExtTextOutW, SelectObject, GetObjectW, GetStockObject, TextOutW, GetDCPenColor, GetDCBrushColor, CreateCompatibleDC, SetDCPenColor, CreateCompatibleBitmap, SetDCBrushColor, GetClipBox, GetTextMetricsW, GetTextFaceW, GetTextColor, CreateFontIndirectW, RoundRect, DeleteObject, CreateSolidBrush, SetPixel, SetBkColor, GetDeviceCaps, GetTextCharacterExtra, Rectangle, StretchBlt, SetWindowOrgEx, SaveDC, RestoreDC, GetPixel
GdipCloneImage, GdiplusStartup, GdiplusShutdown, GdipCreateFromHDC, GdipFree, GdipDisposeImage, GdipDeleteGraphics, GdipResetClip, GdipDrawImageRectRectI, GdipGetImageHeight, GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM, GdipCreateBitmapFromStream, GdipSetClipRectI, GdipGetImageWidth, GdipSetPixelOffsetMode, GdipSetInterpolationMode, GdipAlloc
InterlockedDecrement, GetTickCount, MulDiv, GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryW, GetCurrentThreadId, GetModuleHandleW, GetModuleFileNameW, GetLastError, FreeLibrary, CreateMutexW, CloseHandle, WaitForSingleObject, ReleaseMutex, FindResourceW, LoadResource, FreeResource, SizeofResource, LockResource, OutputDebugStringW, GlobalAlloc, GlobalLock, GlobalUnlock, DisableThreadLibraryCalls, GetCurrentProcessId, GlobalFree, WideCharToMultiByte, CreateFileW, GetFileSize, ReadFile, MultiByteToWideChar, InterlockedExchange, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, IsDebuggerPresent, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, UnhandledExceptionFilter, GetCurrentProcess, TerminateProcess, SetEvent, HeapCreate, MoveFileExW, InterlockedIncrement, HeapDestroy, SystemTimeToFileTime, DuplicateHandle, GetTempPathW, WaitForSingleObjectEx, GetLocalTime, HeapAlloc, SetEndOfFile, SetThreadPriority, Sleep, ExitThread, InterlockedCompareExchange, QueueUserAPC, DeleteFileW, SetFilePointerEx, CompareFileTime, WriteFile, GetCommandLineW, SetLastError, QueryPerformanceCounter, HeapFree, GetEnvironmentVariableW, CreateDirectoryW, GetSystemTime, GetFileSizeEx
sin, RtlFreeUnicodeString, ZwClose, ZwWaitForSingleObject, ZwWaitForMultipleObjects, ZwCreateFile, abs, ZwOpenKey, ZwQueryValueKey, ZwOpenFile, ZwReleaseMutant, ZwCreateEvent, ZwReadFile, ZwCreateKey, ZwQueryInformationFile, ZwCreateMutant, ZwFlushBuffersFile, RtlInitUnicodeString, ZwQueryInformationThread, ZwWriteFile, ZwQueryFullAttributesFile, wcscmp, ZwYieldExecution, RtlFormatCurrentUserKeyPath, ZwQueryInformationProcess, memcpy, wcsncmp, _wtoi, _fltused, _allmul, memcmp, ZwSetValueKey, ZwSetInformationFile, strcmp, toupper, _wtol, floor, wcstol, labs, wcsstr, _wcslwr, _wcsupr, _wcsicmp, wcschr, wcsncpy, wcscat, wcscpy, wcslen, memmove, isdigit, wcsrchr, memset, cos
CLSIDFromString, CLSIDFromProgID, CoCreateInstance, OleLockRunning, CoInitialize, CoUninitialize, CreateStreamOnHGlobal, CoDisconnectObject
AccessibleObjectFromWindow, LresultFromObject
GetDesktopWindow, CopyIcon, IsWindowVisible, GetUpdateRect, GetCursorPos, UnhookWindowsHookEx, GetForegroundWindow, CreatePopupMenu, AppendMenuW, GetDlgItem, TrackPopupMenu, GetMenuState, GetMenuItemCount, GetSubMenu, DeleteMenu, EnableMenuItem, LoadMenuW, GetClipboardData, GetKeyState, DestroyMenu, SetClipboardData, CloseClipboard, EmptyClipboard, OpenClipboard, IsClipboardFormatAvailable, GetWindowTextW, GetWindowTextLengthW, SetWindowTextW, IntersectRect, GetScrollPos, SetScrollPos, MessageBeep, GetScrollInfo, ShowScrollBar, SetParent, MessageBoxW, EnableScrollBar, SetScrollRange, UpdateWindow, SetActiveWindow, MapWindowPoints, GetIconInfo, PtInRect, DestroyIcon, DrawIconEx, DrawTextW, LoadCursorW, UnionRect, GetSystemMetrics, InflateRect, LoadImageW, OffsetRect, SetWindowPos, SystemParametersInfoW, wsprintfW, SetTimer, TranslateMessage, GetMessageW, GetWindow, SetFocus, SetForegroundWindow, RegisterWindowMessageW, LoadStringW, EnableWindow, GetScrollRange, KillTimer, AttachThreadInput, SetCursor, GetWindowThreadProcessId, IsWindow, SetPropW, SetWindowLongA, SetWindowLongW, IsWindowUnicode, CallWindowProcA, GetPropW, CallWindowProcW, GetMenu, CreateWindowExW, GetWindowLongW, ShowWindow, AdjustWindowRectEx, RemovePropW, PostMessageW, GetClassNameW, wvsprintfW, RegisterClassExW, GetClassInfoExW, RegisterClassW, GetParent, IsRectEmpty, GetWindowRect, GetClientRect, MoveWindow, EndPaint, BeginPaint, CreateAcceleratorTableW, DefWindowProcW, InvalidateRgn, InvalidateRect, FillRect, ReleaseCapture, SetCapture, ReleaseDC, GetDC, RedrawWindow, DestroyWindow, SetRect, ClientToScreen, ScreenToClient, SendMessageW, GetFocus, IsChild, NotifyWinEvent, CallNextHookEx, DispatchMessageW, SetWindowsHookExW, CharNextW
Export table


ZoneAlarm Browser Security by Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (Signed)

Remove iswuilib.dll
Version:   1, 5, 393, 22
MD5:   f6877c72ca6148e60e2943ac05738c53
SHA1:   219b034de805ce8ea567459f2ae92b5f73a0f9cc

What is iswuilib.dll?

Check Point's ZoneAlarm ForceField is designed to secure Web browsing sessions through the use of browser virtualization, inline download scanning and DNS validation services.

About iswuilib.dll (from Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.)

Get ZoneAlarm ForceField for your browser. ForceField works hard at Web safety so you don't have to, but you should continue to browse with common sense in mind.


iswuilib.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. This is typically installed with the program Audio 180% published by Franzis Verlag Gmbh. The file is digitally signed by Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. which was issued by the VeriSign certificate authority (CA).


File name:iswuilib.dll
Publisher:Check Point Software Technologies
Product name:ZoneAlarm Browser Security
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\checkpoint\zaforcefield\iswuilib.dll
File version:1, 5, 393, 22
Size:513.66 KB (525,992 bytes)
Issued to:Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Expiration date:Monday, May 5, 2014
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0
More details


The following program will install this file
Franzis Verlag Gmbh
9% remove
The full version of "Audio 180%" under tidier interface offers a total of ten tools to help you around all common tasks get the job done with audio and sound. using the audio player you give songs and playlists back, audio streamer allows you to receive and record streams from the Internet. With the audio CD / DVD Ripper copy audio files from CDs and DVDs. Additionally, you can burn audio CDs, edit MP3, WAV and OGG files, and convert tr...

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 52.94%
Microsoft Windows XP 17.65%
Windows Vista Home Basic 5.88%
Windows 8 Pro 5.88%
Windows 7 Ultimate N 5.88%
Windows 7 Ultimate 5.88%
Windows 7 Professional 5.88%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 58.82% of ZoneAlarm Browser Security.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Hewlett-Packard 71.43%
Acer 28.57%
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