Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions 24.00% 4.00% 4.00% 16.00%
4.3.1n.0 8.00% 40.00% 4.00%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegQueryValueA, RegQueryValueW
GetOpenFileNameA, GetSaveFileNameA, GetSaveFileNameW, PageSetupDlgW, PrintDlgA, PrintDlgW, GetOpenFileNameW
RealizePalette, SelectPalette, DeleteObject, PtInRegion, CreateRectRgn, CreateBitmap, GetDeviceCaps, OffsetRgn, CombineRgn, CreateDIBSection, GetDIBits, DeleteDC, SelectObject, CreateCompatibleDC, BitBlt, CreateCompatibleBitmap, SetTextColor, GdiFlush, ExtTextOutW, SetWorldTransform, SetGraphicsMode, TextOutA, SetBkMode, SetTextAlign, Rectangle, CreatePen, CreateSolidBrush, GetNearestPaletteIndex, GetPaletteEntries, CreatePalette, ResetDCA, ResetDCW, GetTextFaceA, GetTextFaceW, RestoreDC, StretchBlt, SaveDC, SetPolyFillMode, EndPath, GetStockObject, CloseFigure, LineTo, PolyBezierTo, BeginPath, FillPath, StrokePath, CreateDCA, CreateDCW, StartPage, EndPage, GetBkMode, StartDocA, StartDocW, EndDoc, AbortDoc, SelectClipPath, SelectClipRgn, ExtCreateRegion, RectInRegion, GetRgnBox, EqualRgn, CreateEllipticRgn, CreatePolygonRgn, GetRegionData, GetFontData, CreateFontIndirectA, CreateFontIndirectW, GetTextCharsetInfo, GetTextMetricsW, EnumFontFamiliesExA, EnumFontFamiliesExW, GetTextMetricsA, GetOutlineTextMetricsA, GetGlyphOutlineA, GetGlyphOutlineW, GetTextExtentPoint32W, GetCharABCWidthsFloatW, GetCharABCWidthsA, GetCharABCWidthsW, GetObjectW, MoveToEx, GetObjectA, ExtSelectClipRgn
ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd, ImmSetCompositionFontW, ImmSetCompositionFontA, ImmSetCompositionWindow, ImmSetCandidateWindow, ImmAssociateContext, ImmGetCompositionStringW, ImmGetCompositionStringA, ImmNotifyIME, ImmReleaseContext, ImmGetContext
LoadLibraryA, GetProcAddress, FreeLibrary, GetLocaleInfoA, SetErrorMode, GetModuleHandleW, LocalFree, OpenProcess, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, GetCurrentProcessId, GetCurrentThreadId, GetTickCount, QueryPerformanceCounter, DisableThreadLibraryCalls, IsDebuggerPresent, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, UnhandledExceptionFilter, GetCurrentProcess, TerminateProcess, InterlockedCompareExchange, Sleep, InterlockedExchange, lstrcpynA, lstrcpynW, GetModuleHandleA, VirtualAllocEx, ReadProcessMemory, VirtualFreeEx, CreateProcessW, CreateProcessA, IsValidLocale, GetDriveTypeW, GetDriveTypeA, InterlockedDecrement, FindFirstFileW, FindFirstFileA, GetVolumeInformationW, GetVolumeInformationA, lstrcmpW, GetUserDefaultLangID, GetProfileStringW, GetProfileStringA, GlobalFree, GetLocaleInfoW, MultiByteToWideChar, CreateThread, SetEvent, WaitForSingleObject, ReleaseMutex, CloseHandle, CreateMutexA, CreateEventA, GlobalSize, GlobalAlloc, GlobalLock, GlobalUnlock
ReleaseStgMedium, RevokeDragDrop, CoLockObjectExternal, RegisterDragDrop, OleIsCurrentClipboard, CoTaskMemFree, CoGetMalloc, CoInitialize, CoCreateInstance, OleFlushClipboard, StringFromGUID2, CoCreateGuid, OleInitialize, OleUninitialize, OleGetClipboard, DoDragDrop, OleSetClipboard
ShellExecuteA, Shell_NotifyIconA, ShellExecuteW, SHGetPathFromIDListA, SHGetFileInfoW, SHGetMalloc, SHBrowseForFolderA
DestroyCaret, GetWindowRect, FindWindowExA, FindWindowA, FindWindowExW, GetWindowThreadProcessId, SetCaretPos, CreateCaret, HideCaret, SetRect, LoadImageW, GetIconInfo, DrawIconEx, GetMenu, MapVirtualKeyA, GetKeyboardState, GetSystemMenu, EnableMenuItem, SetMenuItemInfoW, TrackPopupMenuEx, MapVirtualKeyW, ToAscii, ToUnicode, GetKeyboardLayout, SetParent, GetDesktopWindow, CreateWindowExW, CreateWindowExA, GetClientRect, GetWindowPlacement, IsWindowVisible, SetWindowPlacement, MoveWindow, SetWindowLongW, IsZoomed, ShowWindow, SetWindowLongA, SetWindowsHookExA, DestroyWindow, GetWindowLongA, GetWindowLongW, AdjustWindowRectEx, SetWindowRgn, ScrollWindowEx, UpdateWindow, ValidateRgn, InvalidateRgn, SetForegroundWindow, UnhookWindowsHookEx, DestroyIcon, SetWindowTextW, SetWindowTextA, CallNextHookEx, GetClipboardFormatNameA, RegisterClipboardFormatA, RegisterClipboardFormatW, LoadCursorW, LoadCursorA, CreateCursor, CreateIconIndirect, SetCursorPos, DestroyCursor, SendMessageW, SendMessageA, SetClipboardViewer, ChangeClipboardChain, UnregisterClassA, UnregisterClassW, GetClassInfoW, GetClassInfoA, LoadIconW, RegisterClassW, LoadIconA, RegisterClassA, ClientToScreen, GetSystemMetrics, DefWindowProcW, DefWindowProcA, GetWindowRgn, InvalidateRect, IsIconic, ScreenToClient, SetWindowPos, RegisterWindowMessageW, RegisterWindowMessageA, GetUpdateRgn, GetUpdateRect, BeginPaint, EndPaint, GetCursorPos, SetCapture, GetSysColor, SystemParametersInfoA, GetDoubleClickTime, SetDoubleClickTime, SetCaretBlinkTime, PeekMessageW, PostMessageW, PeekMessageA, PostMessageA, GetKeyState, ReleaseCapture, SetCursor, GetCaretBlinkTime, MessageBeep, WindowFromPoint, GetParent, ReleaseDC, GetDC, GetActiveWindow, GetFocus, SetFocus, SystemParametersInfoW, IsChild, MapWindowPoints
PlaySoundA, PlaySoundW
ClosePrinter, GetPrinterA, GetPrinterW, OpenPrinterA, OpenPrinterW, DeviceCapabilitiesA, DeviceCapabilitiesW


Qt4 by Advanced Micro Devices (Signed)

Remove QtGui4.dll
MD5:   6b47602f46fb03ee21ca818e72b00d11
SHA1:   c40e7fdb0fad9da51ab65b130d9191d2f7a61916


qtgui4.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. It is installed with a couple of know programs including Dfx Essentials published by Tiffen, LightScribe Optical Disc Kit from Hewlett-Packard and LightScribe Optical Disc Kit by Hewlett-Packard. The file is digitally signed by Advanced Micro Devices which was issued by the VeriSign certificate authority (CA).


File name:qtgui4.dll
Publisher:Trolltech ASA
Product name:Qt4
Description:C++ application development framework.
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\amd\overdrive\qtgui4.dll
File version:
Size:5.27 MB (5,521,408 bytes)
Build date:11/27/2006 9:29 PM
Issued to:Advanced Micro Devices
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Effective date:Monday, April 12, 2010
Expiration date:Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0
More details


The following programs will install this file
Bibliographisches Institut GmbH
5% remove
The Duden library is a proprietary computer program , the number of electronic reference works of the Bibliographical Institute & FA Brockhaus (Brockhaus Duden , Meyer) ("BIFAB") and the Langenscheidt - Publishing is based. In addition, the Office library (or compatible with this previous version, see below) for the Encyclopedia of Religious Education of the Neukirchener publishing and the Römpp Lexicon of Thieme used. There are numero...
8% remove
7% remove
4% remove
Raxco Software Inc.
8% remove
8% remove
One Tiffen Dfx v3 photo plug-in license will run in Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe Photoshop Elements®, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom®, and Apple® Aperture®*.
2% remove
Whether you are an amateur or professional photographer, a video or film editor, or graphic designer, Dfx’s visual workflow and easy to use tools will help you create stunning images. Boasting enhanced multi-processor acceleration for faster interaction and rendering of images, 10+ brand new filters for optical effects, interface improvements, and more, Tiffen Dfx V3 takes still images to the next level of visual brilliance.

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate 66.67%
Windows Vista Business 16.67%
Windows 7 Professional 16.67%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

India installs about 40.00% of Qt4.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Hewlett-Packard 42.86%
Dell 28.57%
Lenovo 28.57%
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