Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

15.0.4623.1000 5.46%
15.0.4623.1000 1.09%
15.0.4623.1000 0.55%
15.0.4619.1000 2.19%
15.0.4615.1000 0.55%
15.0.4615.1000 0.55%
15.0.4609.1000 7.10%
15.0.4551.1509 0.55%
15.0.4551.1001 1.64%
15.0.4535.1507 3.83%
15.0.4535.1507 1.64%
15.0.4535.1507 7.10%
15.0.4535.1000 0.55%
15.0.4535.1000 1.64%
15.0.4517.1505 0.55%
15.0.4517.1003 2.19%
15.0.4517.1003 0.55%
15.0.4517.1003 0.55%
15.0.4505.1510 2.19%
15.0.4505.1003 0.55%
15.0.4481.1508 3.83%
15.0.4481.1508 3.28%
15.0.4481.1508 1.64%
15.0.4481.1001 6.56%
15.0.4454.1504 1.09%
View more


Parent process
Child process
Related files

PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegOpenKeyExW, RegOpenKeyExA, RegOpenKeyA, RegQueryValueExA, RegQueryValueExW, RegCloseKey
SetWindowExtEx, GetViewportExtEx, GetWindowExtEx, SetMapMode, SelectClipRgn, SetViewportExtEx, CreateRectRgnIndirect, GetClipRgn, CreateRectRgn, SetTextColor, LineTo, MoveToEx, RoundRect, Polygon, SetBkMode, CreatePen, CreateSolidBrush, GetTextExtentPoint32W, PatBlt, BitBlt, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateDIBitmap, ExtTextOutA, GetTextAlign, SetBkColor, SetBrushOrgEx, StretchBlt, SetStretchBltMode, GetBrushOrgEx, SetTextAlign, GetDeviceCaps, ScaleViewportExtEx, SetViewportOrgEx, SetWindowOrgEx, GetViewportOrgEx, SaveDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, GetWindowOrgEx, GetBitmapBits, GetObjectA, GetTextMetricsA, DeleteEnhMetaFile, GetBitmapDimensionEx, DeleteDC, RealizePalette, SelectPalette, GetGlyphOutlineA, GetTextColor, GetBkColor, StretchDIBits, PlayMetaFile, PlayEnhMetaFile, GetObjectType, IntersectClipRect, DeleteMetaFile, GetNearestColor, StrokePath, StrokeAndFillPath, PlayMetaFileRecord, BeginPath, GetRgnBox, RestoreDC, EndPath, SelectObject, SetROP2, GetStockObject, InvertRgn, ExcludeClipRect, GetClipBox, RectVisible, UnrealizeObject, OffsetRgn, RectInRegion, ExtEscape, CreateBitmap, FillRgn, SetRectRgn, Rectangle, SetBitmapBits, GetTextExtentPointA, GetCharABCWidthsA, SetTextJustification, GetCharWidthA, GetMetaFileBitsEx, EnumMetaFile, CloseEnhMetaFile, GdiComment, CreateEnhMetaFileA, GetEnhMetaFileHeader, SetMetaFileBitsEx, EnumEnhMetaFile, GetTextCharsetInfo, GetCurrentObject, GetPaletteEntries, GetDIBits, CreateBitmapIndirect, CopyMetaFileA, CopyEnhMetaFileA, CloseMetaFile, CreateMetaFileA, SetEnhMetaFileBits, GetEnhMetaFileBits, CreatePatternBrush, Ellipse, GetFontData, GetOutlineTextMetricsA, GetKerningPairsA, GdiFlush, GetBkMode, SetWinMetaFileBits, SetAbortProc, AbortDoc, EndDoc, EndPage, OffsetViewportOrgEx, StartPage, ExtCreateRegion, LPtoDP, GetRegionData, DeleteObject, GdiSetBatchLimit, TextOutA, CreateFontA, CreatePenIndirect, GetTextCharset, Polyline, CombineRgn, CreatePolygonRgn, SetBitmapDimensionEx
IsValidCodePage, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, GlobalUnlock, GlobalLock, GlobalAlloc, GlobalSize, CloseHandle, GetFileTime, CompareFileTime, GlobalFree, GlobalReAlloc, GetLastError, GetCurrentProcessId, SetFileTime, GetTickCount, GetACP, Sleep, GetPriorityClass, SetPriorityClass, CreateProcessA, GetCurrentProcess, GetUserDefaultLCID, ReadFile, WaitForSingleObject, WriteFile, ResumeThread, CreateThread, CreatePipe, GetUserDefaultLangID, EnumSystemLocalesA, GetLocaleInfoA, GetLocaleInfoW, WideCharToMultiByte, GlobalDeleteAtom, GetDriveTypeA, IsBadReadPtr, IsBadWritePtr, LocalFileTimeToFileTime, SystemTimeToFileTime, FileTimeToLocalFileTime, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, SetLastError, GetFileType, SetThreadPriority, GetThreadPriority, GetCurrentThread, UnmapViewOfFile, MapViewOfFile, CreateFileMappingA, OpenFileMappingA, GetProfileIntA, MulDiv, GetModuleHandleA, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, GetEnvironmentStrings, GlobalMemoryStatus, GetSystemInfo, DeleteCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSection, SetFilePointer, GetDiskFreeSpaceA, GetLocalTime, GetVersionExA, LoadLibraryW, GlobalFlags, GetCurrentThreadId, FlushFileBuffers, GetLogicalDrives, SetErrorMode, IsDBCSLeadByteEx, LoadResource, SizeofResource, GlobalFindAtomA, GlobalHandle, OpenEventA, CreateEventA, SetEvent, SwitchToThread, ResetEvent, LoadLibraryA, GetProfileStringA, GetSystemTime, WinExec, FindResourceA, GetSystemDefaultLangID, GetOEMCP, CreateFileA, FindFirstFileA, DebugBreak, ExitProcess, QueryPerformanceCounter, QueryPerformanceFrequency, VirtualFree, VirtualAlloc, VirtualProtect, GetFullPathNameA, GetFullPathNameW, GetCommandLineA, GetCommandLineW, GetStartupInfoA, SuspendThread, TerminateProcess, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, AddAtomA, FreeResource, LockResource, GetProcAddress, FreeLibrary, FindClose, FileTimeToSystemTime, RaiseException, GetStringTypeW, GetStringTypeA, MultiByteToWideChar, UnhandledExceptionFilter, RtlUnwind, InterlockedExchange, LocalAlloc, OpenFile, LoadLibraryExA, FormatMessageA, LocalFree
OleSaveToStream, OleDuplicateData, CoFreeUnusedLibraries, StringFromGUID2, CoGetTreatAsClass, CoTreatAsClass, OleSetClipboard, OleCreate, OleCreateFromFile, OleCreateLinkFromData, OleCreateFromData, OleCreateLinkToFile, GetClassFile, CoGetClassObject, CreateDataCache, OleQueryLinkFromData, OleQueryCreateFromData, OleConvertIStorageToOLESTREAMEx, OleConvertIStorageToOLESTREAM, OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorage, IIDFromString, OleCreateDefaultHandler, OleLoad, CoIsOle1Class, CoRegisterMessageFilter, OleGetIconOfClass, GetConvertStg, SetConvertStg, GetRunningObjectTable, OleSetMenuDescriptor, OleSave, CreateFileMoniker, CreateGenericComposite, CreateDataAdviseHolder, OleRegEnumFormatEtc, OleFlushClipboard, OleRun, OleRegEnumVerbs, OleTranslateAccelerator, OleDestroyMenuDescriptor, OleCreateMenuDescriptor, ReadClassStm, IsAccelerator, CoGetMalloc, CoRevokeClassObject, CoDisconnectObject, CoRegisterClassObject, StringFromCLSID, CoInitialize, CoUninitialize, OleCreateLink, WriteClassStm, ProgIDFromCLSID, MkParseDisplayName, StgIsStorageFile, ReleaseStgMedium, CoCreateInstance, OleIsCurrentClipboard, OleGetClipboard, CreateStreamOnHGlobal, GetHGlobalFromStream, CLSIDFromString, OleIsRunning, CreateItemMoniker, CoLockObjectExternal, ReadClassStg, CreateBindCtx, StgOpenStorage, WriteClassStg, WriteFmtUserTypeStg, StgCreateDocfile, ReadFmtUserTypeStg, CoTaskMemFree, CreateOleAdviseHolder, OleRegGetMiscStatus
Export table


Microsoft Office XP by Microsoft Corporation (Signed)

Remove WinWord.exe
Version:   15.0.4420.1017
MD5:   7c22121f33af2bad8656ac09300416ee
SHA1:   81852cb9950604eda0918f625c71b0962865db23
SHA256:   3d46e95284f93bbb76b3b7e1bf0e1b2d51e8a9411c2b6e649112f22f92de63c2

What is WinWord.exe?

Microsoft Word is a commercial word processor designed by Microsoft. Microsoft Word is currently the most common word processor on the market.

About WinWord.exe (from Microsoft Corporation)

Create documents with enhanced features that help you create, edit, and access documents from almost anywhere.


winword.exe executes as a process with the local user's privileges typically within the context of its parent idman.exe (Internet Download Manager (IDM) by Tonec Inc.). It is installed with a couple of know programs including Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 published by Microsoft Corporation and Microsoft Word 2010 published by Microsoft Corporation. The file is digitally signed by Microsoft Corporation.


File name:winword.exe
Publisher:Microsoft Corporation
Product name:Microsoft Office XP
Description:Microsoft Word
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\microsoft office\office10\winword.exe
File version:15.0.4420.1017
Size:1.83 MB (1,922,664 bytes)
Issued to:Microsoft Corporation
Authority (CA):Microsoft Corporation
Effective date:Monday, December 7, 2009
Expiration date:Monday, March 7, 2011
Digital DNA
File packed:No
More details


The following programs will install this file
Microsoft Corporation
6% remove
Office Professional Plus 2013 is the future of productivity. Office Professional Plus 2013 includes Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, OneNote, Access, Publisher, and Lync.
Microsoft Corporation
6% remove
Microsoft Word 2010 offers the best of all worlds: enhanced features to create professional-quality documents, easier ways to work together with people, and almost-anywhere access to your files. Designed to give you the finest document-formatting tools, Word 2010 also helps you easily organize and write your documents more efficiently, and stay within reach so you can capture your best ideas whenever and wherever they occur. Add impress...


Shell open commands
  • wordhtmlfile
Scheduled tasks
  • The task '{AF8E3B26-83C1-45E8-A9B0-C6456B5DB853}' runs on registration in the path '\{AF8E3B26-83C1-45E8-A9B0-C6456B5DB853}'
  • The task '{2483674E-B0FB-4503-BFBA-681CF6066A79}' runs on registration in the path '\{2483674E-B0FB-4503-BFBA-681CF6066A79}'

ResourcesResource utilization

(Note: statistics below are averages based on a minimum sample size of 200 unique participants)
Total CPU:0.06078969%
Kernel CPU:0.02024586%
User CPU:0.04054383%
Kernel CPU time:17,086 ms/min
CPU cycles:31,187,153/sec
Context switches:262/sec
Private memory:154.64 MB
21.59 MB
Private (maximum):183.63 MB
Private (minimum):110.62 MB
Non-paged memory:154.64 MB
21.59 MB
Virtual memory:649.25 MB
140.96 MB
Virtual memory (peak):663.52 MB
169.69 MB
Working set:174.52 MB
18.61 MB
Working set (peak):187.61 MB
37.95 MB
Page faults:155,032/min
I/O read transfer:821.47 KB/sec
1.02 MB/min
I/O read operations:406/sec
I/O write transfer:315.36 KB/sec
274.99 KB/min
I/O write operations:1,442/sec
I/O other transfer:114.55 KB/sec
448.09 KB/min
I/O other operations:3,276/sec
Resource allocations
GUI GDI count:492
GUI GDI peak:680
GUI USER count:126
GUI USER peak:140

BehaviorsProcess properties

Integrety level:Medium
Command lines:
  • "C:\Program Files\microsoft office\office15\winword.exe" httC://
  • "C:\Program Files\microsoft office\office15\winword.exe" /n "C:\michael\27june2010\the whole notes20122222222222.docx
Parent processes:


WINWORD.EXE (main module)
Total CPU:1.62398493%
Kernel CPU:0.15980268%
User CPU:1.46418224%
CPU cycles:49,250,386/sec
Context switches:26/sec
Memory:1.84 MB
1.16 MB
Total CPU:1.04130294%
Kernel CPU:0.12974388%
User CPU:0.91155905%
CPU cycles:32,842,578/sec
Context switches:22/sec
Memory:24.18 MB
Total CPU:0.02737961%
Kernel CPU:0.00182531%
User CPU:0.02555430%
CPU cycles:676,477/sec
Context switches:5/sec
Memory:1.4 MB
Total CPU:0.01189704%
Kernel CPU:0.00594782%
User CPU:0.00594922%
CPU cycles:261,714/sec
Context switches:4/sec
Memory:36 KB

Common loaded modules

These are modules that are typiclaly loaded within the context of this process.

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 8 15.38%
Windows 8 Pro 13.85%
Microsoft Windows XP 11.54%
Windows 8.1 10.77%
Windows 7 Ultimate 10.77%
Windows 7 Home Premium 10.77%
Windows 8.1 Pro 5.38%
Windows 7 Professional 5.38%
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 4.62%
Windows Vista Home Premium 3.85%
Windows 7 Home Basic 1.54%
Windows 8 Enterprise 1.54%
Windows 8.1 Pro Preview 1.54%
Windows 8.1 Enterprise Evaluation 0.77%
Windows 7 Enterprise 0.77%
Windows 8.1 Pro Preview with Media Center 0.77%
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition 0.77%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 61.72% of Microsoft Office XP.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Dell 20.78%
Hewlett-Packard 16.23%
ASUS 14.29%
Lenovo 11.69%
Acer 11.04%
Toshiba 6.49%
Intel 3.90%
MSI 3.90%
Gateway 3.90%
Samsung 1.95%
Sony 1.30%
Apple 1.30%
American Megatrends 0.65%
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