Should I block it?

Yes, 98% block recommendation.
Possible reason:
Performance resource utilization

VersionsAdditional versions

2014, 3, 18, 02 0.25%
2014, 2, 12, 01 0.08%
2013, 11, 19, 02 0.33%
2013, 8, 7, 02 5.40%
2013, 7, 11, 01 1.75%
2013, 6, 26, 01 0.50%
2013, 5, 29, 01 0.33%
2013, 5, 11, 01 0.83%
2013, 5, 2, 01 1.83%
2013, 4, 2, 01 8.06%
2013, 2, 7, 01 1.00%
2012, 11, 26, 02 14.13%
2012, 6, 12, 01 19.78%
2012, 3, 21, 01 16.13%
2012, 1, 12, 01 4.32%
2011, 12, 9, 01 0.08%
2011, 11, 18, 01 0.08%
2011, 11, 2, 01 1.33%
2011, 10, 6, 01 2.24%
2011, 9, 25, 01 0.08%
2011, 7, 21, 01 0.08%
2011, 6, 8, 01 0.58%
2011, 3, 16, 01 1.75%
2011, 1, 21, 02 0.08%
2010, 3, 23, 01 0.08%
View more


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegCloseKey, RegQueryInfoKeyA, RegEnumKeyExA, RegOpenKeyExA, RegCreateKeyExA, RegSetValueExA, RegDeleteValueA, RegDeleteKeyA, RegEnumValueA, RegQueryValueExA, RegCreateKeyA, GetUserNameA, RegNotifyChangeKeyValue, UnregisterTraceGuids, GetUserNameW, RegCreateKeyW, CryptDeriveKey, CryptAcquireContextA, CryptDecrypt, CryptEncrypt, CryptImportKey, CryptVerifySignatureW, CryptDestroyHash, CryptGetHashParam, CryptSignHashW, CryptHashData, CryptCreateHash, CryptReleaseContext, CryptDestroyKey, CryptAcquireContextW, RegDeleteKeyW, RegEnumValueW, GetTraceLoggerHandle, GetTraceEnableFlags, GetTraceEnableLevel, TraceEvent, RegQueryInfoKeyW, RegEnumKeyExW, RegOpenKeyExW, RegSetValueExW, RegCreateKeyExW, RegDeleteValueW, RegQueryValueExW, RegisterTraceGuidsW, RegFlushKey
ImageList_AddMasked, ImageList_Create, ImageList_Destroy
DnsQuery_W, DnsQueryConfig, DnsRecordListFree
MoveToEx, LineTo, GetBkColor, SetDIBits, GetDeviceCaps, RestoreDC, DeleteDC, SetViewportOrgEx, SetWindowOrgEx, SetMapMode, SaveDC, CreatePenIndirect, CreateDCA, BitBlt, DeleteObject, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, SelectObject, CreateSolidBrush, GetObjectA, GetStockObject, CreateFontIndirectA, TextOutA, SetTextAlign, TranslateCharsetInfo, GetTextColor, SetBkMode, LPtoDP, GetObjectType, GetTextMetricsA, EnumFontFamiliesExA, CreateBitmap, SetTextColor, SetBkColor, SetStretchBltMode, StretchBlt, CreateBrushIndirect, CreatePen, Rectangle, CreateDIBSection, ExtCreateRegion, CombineRgn, CreateRectRgn, GetDIBits, CreateDCW, Polygon, FillRgn, CreateEllipticRgnIndirect, OffsetViewportOrgEx, SelectClipRgn, CreateRoundRectRgn, CreateRectRgnIndirect, RoundRect, GetPixel, EnumFontFamiliesExW, GetTextMetricsW, TextOutW, CreateFontIndirectW, GetObjectW, BeginPath, FrameRgn, SelectClipPath, EndPath, OffsetRgn, GetTextExtentPoint32A, CreatePolygonRgn, CreateFontA
ImageGetCertificateHeader, ImageGetCertificateData, ImageEnumerateCertificates
DllMain, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, IsDebuggerPresent, GetModuleFileNameA, FindResourceExW, LockResource, WriteFile, lstrlenA, SetFilePointer, GetVersionExW, GetFileSize, ReadFile, GlobalAlloc, GlobalLock, WaitForMultipleObjects, CreateProcessW, GetACP, lstrcpynW, HeapAlloc, GetProcessHeap, HeapFree, HeapReAlloc, Sleep, GetThreadLocale, TlsAlloc, TlsFree, SetThreadLocale, GetComputerNameW, FindFirstFileW, FindNextFileW, FindClose, IsBadStringPtrW, TlsSetValue, CopyFileW, LocalAlloc, LocalFree, CreateDirectoryW, GlobalUnlock, OpenFileMappingW, CreateFileMappingW, MapViewOfFile, UnmapViewOfFile, GlobalGetAtomNameW, GlobalDeleteAtom, GlobalAddAtomW, GlobalFree, HeapCreate, GetFileAttributesExW, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, CompareFileTime, FindFirstChangeNotificationW, FindCloseChangeNotification, CreateWaitableTimerW, SetWaitableTimer, CancelWaitableTimer, lstrcmpW, GetShortPathNameW, WinExec, SystemTimeToFileTime, GetComputerNameA, ResetEvent, CreateSemaphoreW, ReleaseSemaphore, GetFileAttributesW, SetFileTime, GlobalHandle, CreateFileW, GetSystemInfo, VirtualQuery, LoadLibraryW, WideCharToMultiByte, WaitForSingleObject, CreateMutexW, GetTickCount, SetEvent, GetExitCodeThread, SetThreadPriority, CreateThread, CreateEventW, CloseHandle, DeleteFileW, ExpandEnvironmentStringsW, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, GetCurrentProcessId, DeleteCriticalSection, FlushInstructionCache, GetCurrentProcess, MulDiv, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, GetModuleFileNameW, LoadLibraryExW, FindResourceW, LoadResource, lstrcmpA, lstrcmpiA, LoadLibraryA, CreateFileA, InterlockedCompareExchange, InterlockedPushEntrySList, IsProcessorFeaturePresent, VirtualFree, VirtualAlloc, InterlockedPopEntrySList, HeapDestroy, HeapSize, VirtualProtect, DecodePointer, EncodePointer, DeleteFileA, RtlUnwind, GetCommandLineA, SizeofResource, GetModuleHandleW, GetProcAddress, FreeLibrary, GetCurrentThreadId, GetLastError, SetLastError, lstrlenW, lstrcmpiW, MultiByteToWideChar, RaiseException, InterlockedDecrement, ReleaseMutex, InterlockedIncrement, TerminateProcess, UnhandledExceptionFilter, GetCPInfo, GetOEMCP, IsValidCodePage, ExitProcess, GetStdHandle, GetStringTypeW, LCMapStringW, GetConsoleCP, GetConsoleMode, GetTimeZoneInformation, SetHandleCount, GetFileType, GetStartupInfoW, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetEnvironmentStringsW, QueryPerformanceCounter, SetStdHandle, FlushFileBuffers, WriteConsoleW, SetEndOfFile, CompareStringW, SetEnvironmentVariableA, TlsGetValue, GetFileAttributesA, CreateWaitableTimerA, FindNextChangeNotification, FindFirstChangeNotificationA, IsBadStringPtrA, GlobalGetAtomNameA, GlobalAddAtomA, OpenFileMappingA, CreateMutexA, CreateDirectoryA, FindResourceA, IsDBCSLeadByte, RemoveDirectoryA, CopyFileA, GetWindowsDirectoryA, GetShortPathNameA, MoveFileExA, FindNextFileA, CreateProcessA, TryEnterCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSection, CreateFileMappingA, CreateSemaphoreA, CreateEventA, FindFirstFileA, lstrcatA, lstrcpyA, GetPrivateProfileIntA, WritePrivateProfileStringA, GetVersionExA, IsBadWritePtr, GetThreadPriority, lstrcpynA, FindResourceExA, DebugBreak, OutputDebugStringA, GetModuleHandleA, LoadLibraryExA
AlphaBlend, GradientFill, TransparentBlt
CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream, CoTaskMemAlloc, CoCreateInstance, CoTaskMemFree, CoTaskMemRealloc, StringFromGUID2, CLSIDFromString, StringFromCLSID, CoInitializeEx, CoUninitialize, CreateStreamOnHGlobal, OleLockRunning, CoGetClassObject, OleUninitialize, CLSIDFromProgID, OleInitialize, CoCreateGuid, OleDraw, CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream, CoInitialize, RevokeDragDrop, ReleaseStgMedium, RegisterDragDrop
AccessibleObjectFromWindow, AccessibleChildren, LresultFromObject, CreateStdAccessibleObject, GetRoleTextW
SHFileOperationA, ShellExecuteA, ShellExecuteExA, SHCreateDirectoryExW, SHFileOperationW, ShellExecuteW, SHGetFolderPathW, SHGetSpecialFolderPathW
StrTrimA, StrStrIA, StrTrimW, UrlGetPartW, StrStrIW, PathFileExistsW, UrlHashW, StrRChrA, UrlCanonicalizeW, UrlCombineW
URLDownloadToCacheFileW, URLDownloadToFileW, UrlMkSetSessionOption, ObtainUserAgentString, FindMimeFromData, CoInternetGetSession
DllMain, VkKeyScanA, DispatchMessageA, TranslateMessage, RemovePropA, CallWindowProcA, DefWindowProcA, GetWindowLongW, GetPropA, RegisterWindowMessageA, GetDlgItem, IsWindowEnabled, GetUpdateRect, ValidateRect, IntersectRect, SetParent, LoadBitmapA, FindWindowA, SendMessageCallbackA, SetActiveWindow, GetActiveWindow, MapWindowPoints, GetCursorPos, GetDesktopWindow, TrackMouseEvent, FillRect, GetSysColor, DrawFrameControl, GetSystemMetrics, GetMenuItemInfoA, DestroyMenu, SetMenuItemInfoA, GetSysColorBrush, GetMenuItemCount, InsertMenuItemA, CreatePopupMenu, InflateRect, SetWindowRgn, EqualRect, TrackPopupMenu, EndDialog, GetMessageA, EnableWindow, IsIconic, EnumThreadWindows, EnumWindows, SetWindowTextA, GetWindowTextLengthA, CreateDialogParamA, ReleaseCapture, SetCapture, ClientToScreen, ScreenToClient, GetDlgCtrlID, CopyRect, TrackPopupMenuEx, DrawEdge, SetRectEmpty, PeekMessageA, IsDialogMessageA, AnimateWindow, RegisterClipboardFormatA, DeleteMenu, GetCapture, OpenClipboard, CloseClipboard, GetClipboardData, IsClipboardFormatAvailable, SetCursor, GetWindowLongA, SetWindowLongW, GetKeyState, SetPropA, SystemParametersInfoA, GetAsyncKeyState, DestroyWindow, GetClassInfoExA, LoadCursorA, RegisterClassExA, IsWindowUnicode, KillTimer, SetTimer, RedrawWindow, ShowWindow, InvalidateRect, EndPaint, BeginPaint, SetWindowPos, MoveWindow, SetFocus, CallWindowProcW, GetClientRect, SendMessageTimeoutA, IsWindowVisible, GetFocus, GetParent, IsChild, WindowFromPoint, PtInRect, mouse_event, SendMessageA, EnumChildWindows, GetClassNameA, MessageBoxA, UnhookWindowsHookEx, SetWindowsHookExA, GetWindowRect, CallNextHookEx, IsWindow, LoadStringA, SetWindowLongA, PostMessageA, CharLowerA, FindWindowExA, GetWindowThreadProcessId, CreateWindowExA, CharNextA, GetDC, ReleaseDC, DrawTextA, DrawTextW, OffsetRect, wsprintfA, LoadImageA
GetFileVersionInfoSizeA, GetFileVersionInfoA, VerQueryValueW
InternetCrackUrlA, InternetOpenA, InternetConnectA, HttpOpenRequestA, HttpSendRequestA, InternetQueryOptionA, InternetSetOptionA, InternetOpenUrlA, HttpQueryInfoA, InternetGetCookieA, InternetSetCookieA, InternetCrackUrlW, InternetReadFile, UnlockUrlCacheEntryStream, ReadUrlCacheEntryStream, RetrieveUrlCacheEntryStreamA, GetUrlCacheEntryInfoA, InternetCloseHandle, GetUrlCacheEntryInfoW, RetrieveUrlCacheEntryStreamW, InternetSetCookieW, DeleteUrlCacheEntryW, GetUrlCacheEntryInfoExW, HttpQueryInfoW, CommitUrlCacheEntryW, HttpSendRequestW, HttpOpenRequestW, InternetConnectW, InternetGetCookieW, InternetOpenW, InternetCheckConnectionW, InternetOpenUrlW, InternetSetOptionW, CreateUrlCacheEntryW, InternetQueryOptionW, FindCloseUrlCache, FindNextUrlCacheEntryW, FindFirstUrlCacheEntryW
WSALookupServiceNextA, WSALookupServiceBeginW, WSALookupServiceEnd
WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification, WTSRegisterSessionNotification
Export table


Yahoo! Toolbar by Yahoo! Inc. (Signed)

Remove yt.dll
Version:   2012, 1, 12, 01
MD5:   f26031e09b5c820d02622702e16c5c75
SHA1:   fe23b4523c078616bd84b934449cebe569a96fd9
SHA256:   418a7cd3bd499325404020eb87e434b34157dbc5395d4561858ad549c2d218ca

What is yt.dll?

Yahoo! Toolbar is a toolbar that installs on the Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers, within the context of internet access functions. It allows access to several functions, including Yahoo! Search and Yahoo! Mail. Several additional features are available on the Internet Explorer version.

About yt.dll (from Yahoo! Inc.)

Yahoo! Toolbar is included in the typical install when downloading Yahoo! Messenger or various other Yahoo! free products. Yahoo! Toolbar allows you to check if your friends are online and change your


File name:yt.dll
Publisher:Yahoo! Inc.
Product name:Yahoo! Toolbar
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\yahoo!\companion\installs\cpn\yt.dll
File version:2012, 1, 12, 01
Product version:8, 4, 3, 34
Size:1.45 MB (1,517,368 bytes)
Issued to:Yahoo! Inc.
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Effective date:Thursday, August 10, 2006
Expiration date:Thursday, September 3, 2009
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++
More details


The following programs will install this file
AT&T Inc.
  67% remove
The Toolbar puts everything at your fingertips with quick and easy access to your favorite online sites and applications with just one click! It's always available right from your browser window so you can conveniently access your email, home page, help & support, search, and key security features anytime - all from one easy location. You can customize your toolbar with your favorite sites and applications to make it you...
  54% remove
With Verizon Yahoo! Toolbar, You're always in touch with your world. Preview the latest news, Facebook, weather, and more, right in your toolbar. Quickly preview your eBay listings, stock portfolios, and more, without leaving the page you're on. Search faster and get straight to the answers with helpful suggestions and more precise searches with Yahoo! Search. •Easily customize your Toolbar to get only the information most relevant to y...
Yahoo! Inc.
  52% remove
Yahoo! Toolbar is a toolbar that installs on the Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers, within the context of internet access functions. It allows access to several functions, including Yahoo! Search and Yahoo! Mail. "Some versions of Yahoo! Toolbar allow you to share information with Yahoo! about sites you visit to improve Yahoo! services. Yahoo! Toolbar will transmit the following information to Yahoo!: complete web site addresses...
Yahoo! Inc.
5% remove
The most unique attribute of Yahoo! Browser Services is its ability to update and add new services on the fly without a browser restart or even reloading the page! As a user, this means no more installers to run or losing your place on the web. For developers, you can check for and activate new services with a single function call, pending user approval - we handle the complexity of software distribution and updates for you. Because we...
Yahoo! Inc.
  57% remove
BT Yahoo! Toolbar, a toolbar that resides at the top of your Web browser, packages features that give new meaning to "surfing the Web". Customise—make BT Yahoo! Toolbar your own with Apps displayed in the order that serves you best. Obtain information immediately—Apps provide quick access to the pages you use most often by linking you to the website and letting your preview most sites. You can customise your Toolbar anytime and have the...


Internet Explorer Browser Helper Object
Located in the registry at 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects'
  • BHO CLSID: {02478D38-C3F9-4efb-9B51-7695ECA05670}
Internet Explorer toolbars
Located in the registry at 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar'
  • CLSID: {EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}
Safe for scripting controls
Marked as a safe ActiveX control for Internet Explorer (digitally signed with script execution permission)
  • Implemented as 'CLSID\{EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95801-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}'
  • Implemented as 'CLSID\{02478D38-C3F9-4efb-9B51-7695ECA05670}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95801-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}'
Safe for initializing controls
  • {EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}
  • {02478D38-C3F9-4efb-9B51-7695ECA05670}
Internet Explorer URL search hooks
  • CLSID: {EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}
  • CLSID: {81017EA9-9AA8-4A6A-9734-7AF40E7D593F}
Internet Explorer web browsers
Located in the registry at 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\WebBrowser'
  • CLSID: {EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Microsoft Windows XP 27.50%
Windows 7 Home Premium 20.50%
Windows 7 Ultimate 16.00%
Windows Vista Home Premium 13.00%
Windows 7 Professional 6.00%
Windows 8 Pro 5.50%
Windows Seven Black Edition 3.00%
Windows 8 2.50%
Windows 8.1 1.50%
Windows Vista Ultimate 1.50%
Windows 7 Starter 1.50%
Windows 8 Single Language 1.00%
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 0.50%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 47.15% of Yahoo! Toolbar.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Hewlett-Packard 22.71%
ASUS 20.09%
Dell 14.85%
Acer 13.54%
Toshiba 11.35%
Sahara 3.06%
American Megatrends 3.06%
Lenovo 2.62%
Samsung 1.31%
Intel 0.87%
Sony 0.87%
Should I remove It? Clean your PC of unwanted adware, toolbars and bloatware.

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