Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions 50.00% 50.00%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
SetSecurityDescriptorSacl, GetSecurityDescriptorSacl, ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW, RegSetValueExW, RegCreateKeyExW, SetNamedSecurityInfoW, AddAce, AddAccessAllowedAce, InitializeAcl, GetLengthSid, GetAclInformation, GetSidSubAuthority, GetSidSubAuthorityCount, GetSidIdentifierAuthority, IsValidSid, GetAce, GetNamedSecurityInfoW, RegCloseKey, RegQueryValueExW, RegOpenKeyExW, SetServiceStatus, RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW, StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW, FreeSid, DuplicateTokenEx, SetSecurityDescriptorDacl, InitializeSecurityDescriptor, SetEntriesInAclW, AllocateAndInitializeSid, ImpersonateLoggedOnUser, RevertToSelf, AdjustTokenPrivileges, LookupPrivilegeValueW, ConvertSidToStringSidW, GetTokenInformation, OpenProcessToken, CryptDestroyHash, CryptGetHashParam, CryptHashData, CryptCreateHash, CryptReleaseContext, CryptGenRandom, CryptAcquireContextW, GetUserNameW, RegEnumKeyW
CopyFileW, GetVersionExW, SetFilePointerEx, WaitForMultipleObjects, SuspendThread, CreateThread, GetCurrentThreadId, GetFileAttributesW, CreateMutexW, ReleaseMutex, OpenProcess, LocalAlloc, GetFileAttributesExW, InterlockedCompareExchange, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, GetFileSizeEx, FormatMessageW, GetLogicalDrives, GetDriveTypeW, QueryDosDeviceW, lstrlenW, RaiseException, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, GetOverlappedResult, GetFileInformationByHandle, CompareFileTime, ResetEvent, GetSystemTime, ReadDirectoryChangesW, HeapAlloc, GetProcessHeap, MoveFileW, CreateFileMappingW, GlobalAlloc, GlobalLock, GlobalUnlock, GlobalFree, ExpandEnvironmentStringsW, GlobalMemoryStatus, GetModuleHandleW, GetSystemInfo, GetVersion, CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, GetCommandLineW, OpenMutexW, MapViewOfFile, UnmapViewOfFile, OpenFileMappingW, VirtualQuery, OpenEventW, GetCurrentProcessId, ExitProcess, GetSystemDirectoryW, ReadProcessMemory, Module32FirstW, Module32NextW, GetCurrentThread, QueryPerformanceCounter, IsDebuggerPresent, UnhandledExceptionFilter, GetFileTime, SetFileTime, RemoveDirectoryW, CreateDirectoryW, FreeLibrary, GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryW, MoveFileExW, FindClose, FindNextFileW, FindFirstFileW, LocalFree, GetCurrentProcess, GetComputerNameW, GetVolumeInformationW, GetWindowsDirectoryW, MultiByteToWideChar, SetFileAttributesW, GetShortPathNameW, GetTickCount, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, DeleteCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSection, ReadFile, InterlockedDecrement, InterlockedIncrement, WaitForSingleObject, SetEvent, CreateEventW, DeleteFileW, Sleep, WideCharToMultiByte, FindResourceExW, FindResourceW, LoadResource, LockResource, SizeofResource, CloseHandle, SetFilePointer, WriteFile, GetLastError, CreateFileW, SetLastError, GetModuleFileNameW, GetLocalTime, HeapFree, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, TerminateProcess, InterlockedExchange, DecodePointer, EncodePointer, HeapSize, HeapReAlloc, HeapDestroy, IsProcessorFeaturePresent
curl_easy_init, curl_easy_reset, curl_free, curl_easy_perform, curl_easy_escape, curl_global_cleanup, curl_formfree, curl_formadd, curl_slist_append, curl_easy_cleanup, curl_easy_setopt, curl_global_init, curl_slist_free_all
xmlFreeDoc, xmlDocGetRootElement, xmlNodeListGetString, xmlFree, xmlGetProp, xmlNewDoc, xmlNewNode, xmlDocSetRootElement, xmlDocDumpMemoryEnc, xmlNewChild, xmlNewTextChild, xmlSetProp, xmlInitParser, xmlCleanupParser, xmlParseMemory
CoCreateInstance, CoUninitialize, CoInitializeEx, CoTaskMemAlloc
EnumProcessModules, GetModuleFileNameExW, EnumProcesses
SHFileOperationW, SHCreateDirectoryExW, SHGetFolderPathW
PathFileExistsA, PathRemoveExtensionW, PathFileExistsW, PathIsUNCW, PathIsDirectoryW, PathFindExtensionW, PathIsDirectoryEmptyW, PathFindFileNameW, PathStripPathW, PathIsUNCServerShareW, StrDupW, PathUnquoteSpacesW, PathRemoveBlanksW, PathRemoveFileSpecW, PathAppendW
sqlite3_open_v2, sqlite3_exec, sqlite3_prepare_v2, sqlite3_finalize, sqlite3_step, sqlite3_column_int, sqlite3_reset, sqlite3_bind_int64, sqlite3_bind_text16, sqlite3_column_int64, sqlite3_column_type, sqlite3_column_text16, sqlite3_column_text, sqlite3_clear_bindings, sqlite3_last_insert_rowid, sqlite3_close, sqlite3_bind_int, sqlite3_bind_text
GetFileVersionInfoW, GetFileVersionInfoSizeW, VerQueryValueW
deflateInit2_, deflate, deflateEnd, inflateInit2_, inflate, gzdopen, gzread, gzeof, gzclose


BullGuard by BullGuard Ltd. (Signed)

Remove BsBackup.dll
MD5:   7377d48d8d63eab77068636887b9ed6e
SHA1:   e3cde6ef98263a8f88829a2d699542799944e9c7


bsbackup.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. It is installed with a couple of know programs including BullGuard Internet Security published by BullGuard Ltd., BullGuard Premium Protection from BullGuard Ltd. and BullGuard Premium Protection by BullGuard Ltd.. The file is digitally signed by BullGuard Ltd. which was issued by the GlobalSign nv-sa certificate authority (CA).


File name:bsbackup.dll
Publisher:BullGuard Ltd.
Product name:BullGuard
Description:BullGuard Backup
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\bullguard ltd\bullguard premium protection\bsbackup.dll
File version:
Product version:
Size:632.83 KB (648,016 bytes)
Build date:1/29/2014 1:41 PM
Issued to:BullGuard Ltd.
Authority (CA):GlobalSign nv-sa
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0
More details


The following programs will install this file
BullGuard Ltd.
5% remove
BullGuard Internet Security delivers the best security tools to simply protect you from all online threat. Award-winning technology with multiple protection layers for superior virus catch rates - as testified by independent labs. Elegantly simple interface makes management of your security easy. BullGuard Internet Security inspects your system prior to installation, removes any active malware and adapts to your system specifications. ...
BullGuard Ltd.
3% remove
BullGuard Premium Protection is a complete, simple-to-use security suite that protects you against malware, identity theft, financial fraud, online data leaks and helps you keep your children safe on social networks. You choose the personal and financial details you want BullGuard to protect. BullGuard scans the entire web for your usernames, email and postal addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, and more. Whenever one of your ...
BullGuard Ltd.
25% remove
BullGuard Antivirus comes with an impenetrable protection system based on multiple defence layers. These make sure all online threats, including the newest types of viruses, spyware, phishing, rootkits, botnets, malicious links and spam, stay out of your system. You need top-notch protection when you go online. That’s why we’ve created a powerful antivirus engine. It combines Signature-based detection, the traditional way to catch known...
BullGuard Ltd.
1% remove
Together with Signature-based Detection, which deals with known malware, they make up a multi-layered defence system for PC that's virtually impenetrable. Some websites have malicious code hidden in them. Or they are used to launch phishing attacks. The BullGuard protection software checks the websites that come up in your searches and lets you know which ones are safe and cautions you about those that can’t be trusted.


Hosted services
Runs as a shared service under the Windows svcHost
  • Shared name is 'BsBackup'
  • Shared name is 'BsBackup'

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 8.1 50.00%
Windows 7 Ultimate 50.00%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

Germany installs about 50.00% of BullGuard.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Medion 66.67%
Acer 33.33%
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