Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

14.0.7101.5000 20.77%
14.0.6117.5000 2.82%
14.0.6114.5003 71.79%
14.0.6009.1000 0.26%
14.0.4750.1000 4.36%


Parent process
Child processes
Related files

PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegCreateKeyExW, RegOpenKeyExW, ConvertSidToStringSidA, IsValidSid, CheckTokenMembership, ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW, GetSecurityDescriptorDacl, InitializeSecurityDescriptor, SetSecurityDescriptorDacl, FreeSid, OpenProcessToken, GetTokenInformation, CopySid, AllocateAndInitializeSid, InitializeAcl, AddAccessDeniedAce, AddAccessAllowedAce, GetLengthSid, DeregisterEventSource, RegisterEventSourceW, ReportEventW, RegOpenKeyExA, RegEnumKeyW, RegQueryInfoKeyW, TraceEvent, RegisterTraceGuidsA, GetTraceLoggerHandle, GetTraceEnableLevel, GetTraceEnableFlags, RegQueryValueExA, RegSetValueExW, RegQueryValueExW, RegCloseKey, StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW, OpenThreadToken
SymGetSymFromAddr64, SymInitialize, SymCleanup, SymGetLineFromAddr64
CreateSolidBrush, CreateDCA, DeleteObject, DeleteDC, GetDeviceCaps
GlobalMemoryStatus, ReleaseSemaphore, IsProcessorFeaturePresent, IsDebuggerPresent, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, QueryPerformanceCounter, InterlockedExchange, InterlockedCompareExchange, GetStartupInfoW, UnhandledExceptionFilter, SetFilePointerEx, lstrlenW, SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime, FormatMessageW, SetFilePointer, lstrlenA, VirtualProtect, GetLastError, TlsSetValue, VirtualFree, TlsGetValue, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, TlsAlloc, GetSystemDefaultLCID, TlsFree, DeleteCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, IsValidLocale, GetModuleHandleA, GetModuleHandleW, GetProcAddress, GetFileAttributesW, GetVersion, GetModuleFileNameW, RaiseException, HeapFree, HeapAlloc, GetProcessHeap, VirtualAlloc, HeapSetInformation, HeapCreate, HeapDestroy, HeapReAlloc, HeapSize, HeapUnlock, HeapLock, SetLastError, GetVersionExA, GetModuleHandleExW, RtlCaptureStackBackTrace, WaitForSingleObject, ReleaseMutex, CloseHandle, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, GetTickCount, GetLocalTime, WriteFile, FindFirstFileW, FindClose, SetFileAttributesW, DeleteFileW, InitializeCriticalSection, GetCurrentThreadId, CreateFileW, ExpandEnvironmentStringsW, GetProcessTimes, GetCurrentProcess, GlobalFree, LoadLibraryW, OutputDebugStringA, CreateMutexA, OpenMutexA, CreateSemaphoreA, GetShortPathNameA, GetModuleFileNameA, GlobalAlloc, GetSystemDirectoryW, GetTimeZoneInformation, GetDiskFreeSpaceExW, IsWow64Process, GetSystemInfo, GetUserDefaultLCID, FreeLibrary, GetVersionExW, TerminateProcess, GetCurrentProcessId, LocalFree, LocalAlloc, Sleep, GetTempPathW, CreateDirectoryW, GetFileType, LoadLibraryExW, GetCurrentThread, IsDBCSLeadByte, CompareStringA, GetStringTypeExW, GetSystemTime, WideCharToMultiByte, IsValidCodePage, CompareStringW, MultiByteToWideChar
SHCreateDirectoryExW, SHGetSpecialFolderPathW
GetSystemMetrics, SystemParametersInfoA, GetDC, ReleaseDC, GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions, GetMonitorInfoA, EnumDisplayMonitors, GetSysColor, GetKeyboardLayoutList, GetKeyboardLayout
GetFileVersionInfoW, GetFileVersionInfoSizeW, VerQueryValueW


Microsoft Office 2010 by Microsoft Corporation (Signed)

Remove CVHSVC.exe
Version:   14.0.6114.5003
MD5:   72794d112cbaff3bc0c29bf7350d4741
SHA1:   d6728d51844e5a5059ed7c82732b5125ce2331fc
SHA256:   060c207f27306a3464fbcd8b08bdc97e34923eca349933ecb059848bd08f41ed

What is CVHSVC.exe?

The Microsoft Office Client Virtualization Handler is part of the virtual click to run installation for Microsoft Office 2010.


cvhsvc.exe runs as a service under the name Client Virtualization Handler (cvhsvc) within the local user context. It is installed with a couple of know programs including Microsoft Office Click-to-Run 2010 published by Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Office « Démarrer en un clic » 2010 from Microsoft Corporation and Microsoft Office « Démarrer en un clic » 2010 by Microsoft Corporation. The file is digitally signed by Microsoft Corporation.


File name:cvhsvc.exe
Publisher:Microsoft Corporation
Product name:Microsoft Office 2010
Description:Microsoft Office Client Virtualization Service
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\common files\microsoft shared\virtualization handler\cvhsvc.exe
File version:14.0.6114.5003
Size:803.34 KB (822,624 bytes)
Issued to:Microsoft Corporation
Authority (CA):Microsoft Corporation
Expiration date:Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0
More details


The following programs will install this file
ClickMeIn Limited
  86% remove
Astromenda/Astromendario may change your default search engine to add Astromenda's (or any of Astromenda's affiliates) search engine; Astromenda's search engine is provided free of charge, and provides you with great search results. is an adware (advertising support) web browser application that is designed to display banner ads as well as contextual link ads (such as hyperlinks the user will see underlined). The ads are injected by the...
Client Connect LTD
  79% remove
Search Protect from Client Connect (formally Conduit, now a venture of Perion) is a homepage and search provider modifier that when installed will change the default web browser's home page and search pages to a partner portal such as Trovi.
Microsoft Corporation
12% remove
Office Click-to-Run is a new way for broadband customers to obtain Microsoft Office and to update Office 2010. Office Click-to-Run uses the virtualization and streaming technologies of Microsoft.
Microsoft Corporation
12% remove
Office « Démarrer en un clic » fait appel à la technologie d’émission en continu et de virtualisation de Microsoft. Celle-ci permet de réduire sensiblement la durée de téléchargement. Vous pourrez ainsi découvrir les nouvelles fonctionnalités de Microsoft Office 2010 plus rapidement. Pour le moment, vous ne pouvez utiliser que Microsoft Office Famille et Étudiant 2010, Microsoft Office Famille et Petite Entreprise 2010 et Microsoft Offi...
Microsoft Corporation
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Klick-und-Los ist eine neue Technologie für die Bereitstellung und Aktualisierung von Microsoft Office für Kunden mit Breitbandverbindungen, der auf die Streaming- und Virtualisierungstechnologie von Microsoft aufsetzt. Im Folgenden finden Sie Informationen zu den Vorteilen von Klick-und-Los sowie Wissenswertes über eine Kompatibilitätslücke zwischen Klick-und-Los und einigen Lösungen zum Schutz vor Schadsoftware.
Microsoft Corporation
4% remove
Opdateringerne af Klik og kør-produkter skubbes automatisk til computeren, men det kan være nødvendigt at lukke Office-programmerne, før opdateringerne kan anvendes. Når opdateringerne er blevet hentet, men forhindres i at blive anvendt, modtager du en meddelelse i form af et lille pop op-vindue, der vises i meddelelsesområdet. De fleste opdateringer kræver ikke en internetforbindelse under hele opdateringsprocessen. Hvis en internetfor...
Microsoft Corporation
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8% remove
Hacer clic y ejecutar es una nueva forma de entregar y actualizar Microsoft Office para los clientes de banda ancha. Hacer clic y ejecutar utiliza la virtualización de Microsoft y tecnologías de transmisión por secuencias. Para Microsoft Office 2010, Microsoft ofrece una nueva manera de descargar e instalar sus productos de Office 2010. Esta tecnología se denomina Hacer clic y ejecutar y en este artículo se describe dicha tecnología y c...
Microsoft Corporation
11% remove
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1% remove
Microsoft Corporation
7% remove
Office Starter consists of Word Starter and Excel Starter only, reduced functionality versions of Microsoft Word and Excel with advertising. It does not contain Microsoft PowerPoint, OneNote, or Outlook. Office Starter is only available as preloaded software on select new PCs.
Microsoft Corporation
2% remove
Office Starter consists of Word Starter and Excel Starter only, reduced functionality versions of Microsoft Word and Excel with advertising. It does not contain Microsoft PowerPoint, OneNote, or Outlook. Office Starter is only available as preloaded software on select new PCs.
Microsoft Corporation
8% remove
Office Starter consists of Word Starter and Excel Starter only, reduced functionality versions of Microsoft Word and Excel with advertising. It does not contain Microsoft PowerPoint, OneNote, or Outlook. Office Starter is only available as preloaded software on select new PCs.
Microsoft Corporation
6% remove
Office Starter consists of Word Starter and Excel Starter only, reduced functionality versions of Microsoft Word and Excel with advertising. It does not contain Microsoft PowerPoint, OneNote, or Outlook. Office Starter is only available as preloaded software on select new PCs.
Microsoft Corporation
6% remove
Office Starter consists of Word Starter and Excel Starter only, reduced functionality versions of Microsoft Word and Excel with advertising. It does not contain Microsoft PowerPoint, OneNote, or Outlook. Office Starter is only available as preloaded software on select new PCs.
Microsoft Corporation
6% remove
Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010 brings together the roles of managing a business, running a household and helping with homework. Get the benefits of all the programs you need to be productive including Microsoft Outlook 2010--so you can tackle your busy day efficiently with powerful email, scheduling and social networking tools to keep your life and work in sync.
Microsoft Corporation
7% remove
Microsoft Corporation
4% remove
Microsoft Office Click-to-Run uses Microsoft streaming and virtualization technology to significantly reduce the time that is required for you to download and begin experiencing the new features of Microsoft Office 2010. At this time, only Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010, Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010, and Microsoft Office Starter 2010 are available by using Office Click-to-Run, which include the following Office 2010 p...
Microsoft Corporation
1% remove
Office Starter consists of Word Starter and Excel Starter only, reduced functionality versions of Microsoft Word and Excel with advertising. It does not contain Microsoft PowerPoint, OneNote, or Outlook. Office Starter is only available as preloaded software on select new PCs.
Microsoft Corporation
2% remove
Office Starter consists of Word Starter and Excel Starter only, reduced functionality versions of Microsoft Word and Excel with advertising. It does not contain Microsoft PowerPoint, OneNote, or Outlook. Office Starter is only available as preloaded software on select new PCs.


Runs under 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services' by the Service Controller (services.exe)
  • 'cvhsvc' (Client Virtualization Handler)
  • cvhsvc
Network connections
  • [TCP] (
  • [TCP]
  • [TCP] (
  • [TCP] (
  • [TCP] (
  • [UDP] listens on port 54973
  • [UDP] listens on port 62946
  • [UDP] listens on port 56677
  • [UDP] listens on port 60864

  • ResourcesResource utilization

    (Note: statistics below are averages based on a minimum sample size of 200 unique participants)
    Total CPU:0.00139135%
    Kernel CPU:0.00084946%
    User CPU:0.00054189%
    Kernel CPU time:934,108 ms/min
    CPU cycles:86,929/sec
    Context switches:3/sec
    Private memory:6.9 MB
    21.59 MB
    Private (maximum):12.12 MB
    Private (minimum):6.03 MB
    Non-paged memory:6.9 MB
    21.59 MB
    Virtual memory:93.6 MB
    140.96 MB
    Virtual memory (peak):100.51 MB
    169.69 MB
    Working set:7.92 MB
    18.61 MB
    Working set (peak):14.03 MB
    37.95 MB
    Page faults:9,118/min
    I/O read transfer:261 Bytes/sec
    1.02 MB/min
    I/O read operations:1/sec
    I/O write transfer:10 Bytes/sec
    274.99 KB/min
    I/O write operations:1/sec
    I/O other transfer:449 Bytes/sec
    448.09 KB/min
    I/O other operations:20/sec
    Resource allocations
    GUI GDI count:36
    GUI USER count:6

    BehaviorsProcess properties

    Integrety level:System
    Command lines:
    • "C:\Program Files\common files\microsoft shared\virtualization handler\cvhsvc.exe"
    Windows Service
    Service name:cvhsvc
    Display name:Client Virtualization Handler
    Description:“Client Virtualization Handler Service (unlocalized description)”
    Parent process:services.exe (Services and Controller app by Microsoft)


    Total CPU:0.00221979%
    Kernel CPU:0.00000000%
    User CPU:0.00221979%
    CPU cycles:1,605/sec
    Memory:1.66 MB
    1.16 MB
    Total CPU:0.00213606%
    Kernel CPU:0.00213183%
    User CPU:0.00000423%
    CPU cycles:159,186/sec
    Memory:252 KB
    Total CPU:0.00205811%
    Kernel CPU:0.00175139%
    User CPU:0.00030672%
    CPU cycles:36,885/sec
    Memory:100 KB
    Total CPU:0.00194639%
    Kernel CPU:0.00108479%
    User CPU:0.00086161%
    CPU cycles:34,390/sec
    Memory:4.61 MB
    CVHSVC.EXE (main module)
    Total CPU:0.00083288%
    Kernel CPU:0.00044255%
    User CPU:0.00039033%
    CPU cycles:34,970/sec
    Memory:824 KB
    Total CPU:0.00029660%
    Kernel CPU:0.00015744%
    User CPU:0.00013916%
    CPU cycles:6,132/sec
    Memory:32 KB
    Total CPU:0.00019041%
    Kernel CPU:0.00019041%
    User CPU:0.00000000%
    CPU cycles:4,102/sec
    Memory:792 KB
    Total CPU:0.00010553%
    Kernel CPU:0.00005277%
    User CPU:0.00005277%
    CPU cycles:2,750/sec
    Memory:1.36 MB
    Total CPU:0.00007915%
    Kernel CPU:0.00005277%
    User CPU:0.00002638%
    CPU cycles:20,780/sec
    Memory:1.11 MB
    Total CPU:0.00000160%
    Kernel CPU:0.00000000%
    User CPU:0.00000160%
    CPU cycles:17/sec
    Memory:368 KB

    Common loaded modules

    These are modules that are typiclaly loaded within the context of this process.

    Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

    OS versiondistribution
    Windows 7 Home Premium 77.50%
    Windows 7 Home Basic 6.00%
    Windows 7 Starter 4.00%
    Windows 8 Pro 3.00%
    Windows 7 Professional 3.00%
    Windows 7 Ultimate 2.00%
    Windows Vista Home Premium 1.50%
    Windows Vista Ultimate 1.00%
    Windows Vista Home Basic 1.00%
    Microsoft Windows XP 1.00%

    Distribution by countryDistribution by country

    United States installs about 57.65% of Microsoft Office 2010.

    OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

    PC Manufacturerdistribution
    Dell 25.35%
    Hewlett-Packard 20.42%
    Toshiba 18.31%
    Acer 10.21%
    ASUS 7.75%
    Sony 7.04%
    Lenovo 3.52%
    Samsung 2.82%
    MSI 1.41%
    Intel 1.41%
    Alienware 0.70%
    American Megatrends 0.70%
    GIGABYTE 0.35%
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