Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions 4.00% 0.80% 3.20% 2.40% 0.40% 0.80% 0.40% 22.40% 9.20% 13.60% 2.80% 10.40% 24.40% 1.60% 3.60%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
CryptUnprotectData, CryptProtectData
InterlockedDecrement, SizeofResource, LockResource, LoadResource, FindResourceW, FindResourceExW, MoveFileExW, InterlockedExchange, lstrlenA, WideCharToMultiByte, lstrlenW, GetCurrentProcessId, CopyFileW, GetFileAttributesW, WaitForSingleObject, FreeLibrary, GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryExW, CloseHandle, ReadFile, GetFileSize, CreateFileW, GetModuleFileNameW, OutputDebugStringW, GetModuleHandleW, WriteFile, LocalFree, DeleteFileW, VirtualFree, GetSystemInfo, VirtualAlloc, SetFileAttributesW, InterlockedIncrement, FlushFileBuffers, SetFilePointer, GetCurrentThread, OpenProcess, ProcessIdToSessionId, OpenThread, GetCurrentThreadId, TerminateProcess, GetCurrentProcess, ExpandEnvironmentStringsW, DisableThreadLibraryCalls, WaitForMultipleObjects, InitializeCriticalSection, DeleteCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, LoadLibraryA, RaiseException, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, GetTickCount, QueryPerformanceCounter, IsProcessorFeaturePresent, IsDebuggerPresent, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, UnhandledExceptionFilter, InterlockedCompareExchange, Sleep, DecodePointer, EncodePointer, HeapDestroy, HeapAlloc, HeapFree, MultiByteToWideChar, GetTempFileNameW, GetLastError, HeapReAlloc, HeapSize, GetProcessHeap, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, LocalAlloc
CoSetProxyBlanket, CoCreateInstance, CoCreateGuid, StringFromGUID2, IIDFromString
EnumProcesses, GetModuleBaseNameW
RpcRevertToSelfEx, RpcImpersonateClient, RpcRevertToSelf
LsaFreeReturnBuffer, LsaGetLogonSessionData, LsaEnumerateLogonSessions
Export table


Oxygen Client by Symantec Corporation (Signed)

Remove Datastor.dll
MD5:   881be8796d8c3ee2fc5f1cd1beaebfb0
SHA1:   53ba31f92004e199a1f18d9b89bcd25786496555

What is Datastor.dll?

Synchronized Data Store for Norton Internet Security, by Symantec Corporation, is a PC program that provides malware prevention and removal during subscription period and uses signatures and heuristics to identify viruses, trojans and other malware. Norton Internet Security features include a email spam filtering, personal firewall, and phishing protection.

About Datastor.dll (from Symantec Corporation)

Norton Internet Security lets you email, chat and surf the Web without worrying about cybercriminals ripping you off. It delivers protection from online dangers without sacrificing performance. It g


File name:datastor.dll
Publisher:Symantec Corporation
Product name:Oxygen Client
Description:Synchronized Data Store
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\norton internet security\engine\\datastor.dll
File version:
Product version:5.0
Size:1.03 MB (1,083,696 bytes)
Build date:8/12/2013 4:22 PM
Issued to:Symantec Corporation
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Expiration date:Saturday, November 23, 2013
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0
More details


The following programs will install this file
Symantec Corporation
12% remove
Norton ™ Identity Safe is a password manager that makes logging into your favorite web sites easier, faster and more secure. Never again forget a user name or password. Ever. Stop filling in the same forms over and over. Warns you of unsafe sites right in your search results and blocks them. Stores your passwords and more in a secure, cloud-based vault that only you can access. Stop filling in the same forms over and over. Identity Saf...
Symantec Corporation
1% remove
Basic antivirus protection that stops viruses and spyware, so you can safely go online and share. Five patented layers of protection quickly and accurately detect and eliminate viruses and spyware. Protects your privacy and prevents your passwords and identity from being stolen when you surf the Web. Deep clean your PC – our powerful Threat-Removal Layer targets and scrubs out aggressive, hard-to-remove infections that less sophisticate...
Symantec Corporation
5% remove
Norton Family gives you insight into where your kids go and what they do online. So you can keep them safe and teach them good Internet habits. An easy-to-read activity report shows you at a glance ALL the web sites your kids visit, or attempt to visit. You can visit the sites your kids have been to and block specific sites or types of sites. You can set limits on your kids’ computer time to help ensure they aren’t spending too much ti...
Symantec Corporation
7% remove
Norton Anti-Theft helps you quickly lock and find your PC laptop, MacBook, tablet or smartphone - and protect the invaluable information contained on it - if it's ever lost or stolen. And you can use any browser, anywhere, anytime to find out where it is and who has it and to remotely lock it. Tracks and maps the location of your device when anyone uses it to go online so you will know if it is lost or stolen. Securely locks your device...

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 33.00%
Windows 8 22.00%
Windows 8 Pro 8.00%
Windows 7 Ultimate 7.00%
Windows Vista Home Premium 7.00%
Microsoft Windows XP 6.00%
Windows 8.1 3.50%
Windows 7 Professional 3.50%
Windows 8.1 Pro 2.50%
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 2.00%
Windows 8 Enterprise 1.50%
Windows 7 Home Basic 1.50%
Windows Se7en Titan 0.50%
Windows Developer Preview 0.50%
Windows 8 Single Language 0.50%
Windows Vista Business 0.50%
Windows 7 Ultimate N 0.50%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 67.01% of Oxygen Client.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Hewlett-Packard 27.35%
Toshiba 23.93%
Dell 12.82%
Acer 12.82%
ASUS 6.84%
Sony 4.27%
Intel 2.56%
MSI 1.71%
American Megatrends 1.71%
Samsung 0.85%
Lenovo 0.85%
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