Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

2011.0110.2100.060 ((SQL11_RTM).120210-1917 ) 20.00%
2009.0100.1600.01 ((KJ_RTM).100402-1540 ) 20.00%
2007.0100.1600.022 ((SQL_PreRelease).080709-1414 ) 40.00%
2007.0100.1600.022 ((SQL_PreRelease).080709-1414 ) 20.00%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
GetSidLengthRequired, InitializeSid, IsValidSid, CopySid, InitializeAcl, GetLengthSid, GetTokenInformation, OpenProcessToken, EqualSid, GetAclInformation, GetAce, AddAce, GetSidSubAuthority, GetSecurityDescriptorLength, SetSecurityDescriptorDacl, RegEnumValueW, RegSetValueExW, RegDeleteKeyW, RegCreateKeyExW, RegDeleteValueW, RegEnumKeyExW, RegOpenKeyExW, RegQueryValueExW, RegCloseKey, AddAccessAllowedAce, SetSecurityDescriptorOwner, SetSecurityDescriptorGroup, InitializeSecurityDescriptor, AddAccessDeniedAce
SetInitialDirectory, UseLowFragmentationHeap, GetFDService
CreateProcessW, WaitForSingleObject, CloseHandle, GetModuleHandleW, GetProcAddress, HeapReAlloc, HeapFree, HeapAlloc, CompareStringW, GetEnvironmentVariableW, SetEnvironmentVariableW, IsDebuggerPresent, GetCurrentProcess, TerminateProcess, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, GetCurrentProcessId, GetCurrentThreadId, GetTickCount, QueryPerformanceCounter, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, InterlockedCompareExchange, Sleep, InterlockedExchange, lstrlenA, SetLastError, FormatMessageW, GetModuleFileNameW, MultiByteToWideChar, UnmapViewOfFile, ReleaseMutex, GetVersionExA, FormatMessageA, GetModuleHandleA, FlushViewOfFile, OutputDebugStringW, GetSystemDirectoryA, GetEnvironmentVariableA, GetModuleFileNameA, CreateDirectoryA, CreateFileA, GetLocalTime, InterlockedIncrement, DeleteFileA, CopyFileA, MapViewOfFile, CreateFileMappingA, OutputDebugStringA, WriteFile, FindClose, FindNextFileA, FindFirstFileA, CreateFileMappingW, LocalFree, LoadLibraryW, CreateMutexA, RaiseException, LocalAlloc, FreeLibrary, LoadLibraryA, GetProcessHeap, HeapSetInformation, SetErrorMode, GetLastError, InitializeCriticalSection, WideCharToMultiByte, lstrcmpiW, lstrlenW, DeleteCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, UnhandledExceptionFilter
CoUninitialize, CoInitializeEx
RpcStringFreeA, UuidToStringA, UuidCreate


Microsoft SQL Server by Microsoft Corporation (Signed)

Remove fdHost.exe
Version:   2007.0100.1600.022 ((SQL_PreRelease).080709-1414 )
MD5:   3f3468597948358f631df5f1415bcc3b
SHA1:   e5c61c252577816be48288cabb8f46f3fc2f5e90
SHA256:   ca885a64d04902c68cc23a811a8b5f80b75bef7c232a9b5f984504aa6c35c513

What is fdHost.exe?

SQL Server provides the functionality for applications and users to issue full-text queries against character-based data in SQL Server tables. Before full-text queries can be run on a given table, the database administrator must create a full-text index on the table. The full-text index includes one or more character-based columns in the table. These columns can have any of the following data types: char, varchar, nchar, nvarchar, text, ntext, image, xml, or varbinary(max).

About fdHost.exe (from Microsoft Corporation)

Each full-text index indexes one or more columns from the base table, and each column can have a specific language. Beginning in SQL Server 2008, full-text search supports more than 50 diverse languag


File name:fdhost.exe
Publisher:Microsoft Corporation
Product name:Microsoft SQL Server
Description:SQL Full Text host
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\microsoft sql server\mssql10.mssqlserver\mssql\binn\fdhost.exe
File version:2007.0100.1600.022 ((SQL_PreRelease).080709-1414 )
Product version:10.0.1600.22
Size:99.52 KB (101,912 bytes)
Issued to:Microsoft Corporation
Authority (CA):Microsoft Corporation
Effective date:Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Expiration date:Sunday, February 22, 2009
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows Console
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0
More details


The following programs will install this file
Microsoft Corporation
4% remove
The SQL Server Native Client contains the SQL Server ODBC driver and the SQL Server OLE DB provider in one native dynamic link library (DLL) supporting applications using native-code APIs (ODBC, OLE DB and ADO) to Microsoft SQL Server.
Microsoft Corporation
11% remove
The Feature Pack is a collection of standalone install packages that provide additional value for SQL Server 2005. It includes the backward compatibility components for SQL Server 2005.
Microsoft Corporation
4% remove
SQL Server 2005 introduced SQLXML 4.0, which continues to deliver the same functionality as SQLXML 3.0 plus additional updates provided to accommodate new features introduced with SQL Server 2005. SQLXML provides client-side XML functionality and enhancements to existing features, such as annotated XSD schemas, XML bulk load, Web services (SOAP) support, and updategrams.

ResourcesResource utilization

(Note: statistics below are averages based on a minimum sample size of 200 unique participants)
Total CPU:0.00000034%
Kernel CPU:0.00000034%
Kernel CPU time:31 ms/min
Private memory:6.57 MB
21.59 MB
Private (maximum):1.03 MB
Private (minimum):1.02 MB
Non-paged memory:6.57 MB
21.59 MB
Virtual memory:48.19 MB
140.96 MB
Virtual memory (peak):48.69 MB
169.69 MB
Working set:1.06 MB
18.61 MB
Working set (peak):7.39 MB
37.95 MB
Resource allocations

BehaviorsProcess properties

Command line:"C:\Program Files\microsoft sql server\mssql10.mssqlserver\mssql\binn\fdhost.exe" "mssql10.mssqlservere3c0cbe7ffafdcf4a36f9bbdf6d0d22bf031130lo" "mssql10.mssqlserver" "mssql10.mssqlserver" "16" "" "16384" "m" "0" "" "" ""

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate 40.00%
Windows 8 Enterprise 20.00%
Microsoft Windows XP 20.00%
Windows Server 2008 Standard 20.00%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

Ireland installs about 50.00% of Microsoft SQL Server.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Dell 50.00%
Intel 50.00%
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