Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

14.0.6019.1000 80.00%
14.0.4761.1000 20.00%


Parent process
Related files

PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
FreeSid, TraceEvent, CryptAcquireContextA, RegEnumKeyW, RegQueryInfoKeyW, GetTraceEnableFlags, GetTraceEnableLevel, GetTraceLoggerHandle, RegisterTraceGuidsW, RegQueryValueExA, RegisterTraceGuidsA, GetLengthSid, AddAccessAllowedAce, AddAccessDeniedAce, CryptDestroyHash, RegCloseKey, RegEnumKeyExW, RegOpenKeyExW, RegQueryValueExW, CryptGenRandom, GetTokenInformation, OpenProcessToken, ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW, CryptGetHashParam, CryptHashData, CryptCreateHash, CryptReleaseContext, RegDeleteKeyW, RegDeleteValueW, RegCreateKeyExW, RegSetValueExW, DeregisterEventSource, ReportEventW, OpenThreadToken, UnregisterTraceGuids, RegOpenKeyExA, ConvertSidToStringSidA, CreateWellKnownSid, IsValidSid, EqualSid, CheckTokenMembership, GetSecurityDescriptorDacl, InitializeSecurityDescriptor, SetSecurityDescriptorDacl, InitializeAcl, CopySid, AllocateAndInitializeSid, RegisterEventSourceW
CreateSolidBrush, DeleteObject, DeleteDC, GetDeviceCaps, CreateDCA
StringFromGUID2, CoCreateInstance, IIDFromString, CoInitializeEx, OleUninitialize, OleInitialize, CoUninitialize, CoRegisterClassObject, CoRevokeClassObject, StringFromCLSID, CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler, StringFromIID, CoTaskMemFree, CLSIDFromString, CLSIDFromProgID, CoCreateGuid
SHGetFileInfoW, SHChangeNotify, SHGetPathFromIDListW, SHGetDataFromIDListW, SHGetMalloc, SHGetDesktopFolder, ShellExecuteW, SHGetFolderPathW, SHGetFolderLocation, SHGetSpecialFolderPathW, ShellExecuteExW
PathIsRootW, PathFileExistsW, UrlGetPartW, PathRemoveBackslashW, PathIsUNCW, PathCreateFromUrlW, PathIsDirectoryW, StrCmpIW, PathIsUNCServerW, PathIsUNCServerShareW, PathFindFileNameW, PathCombineW, PathFindExtensionW, PathAddBackslashW, PathStripPathW, PathRemoveFileSpecW, PathRemoveExtensionW, PathSearchAndQualifyW
UnregisterClassA, EnumDisplayMonitors, GetMonitorInfoA, GetSysColor, GetKeyboardLayoutList, GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions, MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx, MessageBoxW, RegisterClassExW, GetClassInfoExW, GetWindowLongW, SetWindowLongW, SetCursor, LoadCursorW, SendMessageW, GetClassNameW, GetWindowThreadProcessId, PostMessageW, SetTimer, KillTimer, DestroyWindow, CreateWindowExW, RegisterWindowMessageW, DefWindowProcW, CallWindowProcW, DispatchMessageW, PeekMessageW, SetForegroundWindow, ShowWindowAsync, IsIconic, IsWindow, EnumWindows, CharLowerW, CharUpperW, GetSystemMetrics, SystemParametersInfoA, GetCursor, GetKeyboardLayout, ReleaseDC, GetDC, LoadStringW


Microsoft Office 2010 by Microsoft Corporation (Signed)

Remove GrooveMN.exe
Version:   14.0.6019.1000
MD5:   81b067a46c2cb289ea5f9bedc1948840
SHA1:   d433156eb270ac221a04e889c0c39a61fe85dcee
SHA256:   0816b008ba49fc29d832fa53ebb14706fb1d6b76fc09d3cceb531e2dfa824728

What is GrooveMN.exe?

Microsoft Office Groove, is a desktop application designed for document collaboration in teams with members who are regularly off-line or who do not share the same network security clearance.

About GrooveMN.exe (from Microsoft Corporation)

Spend less time coordinating with each other and more time working on the project at hand. Groove Virtual Office is software that allows your team to work together as if you were all in the same phys


File name:groovemn.exe
Publisher:Microsoft Corporation
Product name:Microsoft Office 2010
Description:Microsoft SharePoint Workspace Monitor
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\microsoft office\office14\groovemn.exe
File version:14.0.6019.1000
Size:922.38 KB (944,520 bytes)
Issued to:Microsoft Corporation
Authority (CA):Microsoft Corporation
Effective date:Monday, December 7, 2009
Expiration date:Monday, March 7, 2011
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0
More details


The following programs will install this file
Microsoft Corporation
3% remove
Microsoft® Project Professional 2010 gives you a powerful, visually enhanced way to effectively manage a wide range of projects and programs. From meeting crucial deadlines, to selecting the right resources and empowering your teams, this Online Project Management Software delivers new and intuitive experiences in collaborative project management within individuals, teams and the enterprise.
Microsoft Corporation
1% remove
The main features of Office 2010 include the backstage file menu, new collaboration tools, a customizable ribbon, protected view and a navigation panel. Microsoft Office is an office suite of desktop applications, servers and services for the Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems.
Microsoft Corporation
11% remove
Microsoft Office Groove is a desktop application designed for document collaboration in teams with members who are regularly off-line or who do not share the same network security clearance. It is also used as a staging system for documents in development, where content can be developed then transferred to a portal when complete. Groove's core concept is the shared workspace, which consists of a set of files to be shared, plus some aids...
Microsoft Corporation
7% remove
Microsoft Office 2010 includes extended file format support, user interface updates, and a changed user experience. Office 2010 marks the debut of free online versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote, which work in the web browsers Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari, but not Opera. Office Starter 2010, a new edition of Office, replaced the low-end home productivity software, Microsoft Works. In Office 2010, every ap...
Microsoft Corporation
4% remove
Microsoft Office Groove (Japanese language version) is a desktop application designed for document collaboration in teams with members who are regularly off-line or who do not share the same network security clearance. It is also used as a staging system for documents in development, where content can be developed then transferred to a portal when complete. Groove's core concept is the shared workspace, which consists of a set of files ...
Microsoft Corporation
6% remove
Microsoft Office Groove (Spanish language version) is a desktop application designed for document collaboration in teams with members who are regularly off-line or who do not share the same network security clearance. It is also used as a staging system for documents in development, where content can be developed then transferred to a portal when complete. Groove's core concept is the shared workspace, which consists of a set of files t...
Microsoft Corporation
6% remove
Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010 brings together the roles of managing a business, running a household and helping with homework. Get the benefits of all the programs you need to be productive including Microsoft Outlook 2010--so you can tackle your busy day efficiently with powerful email, scheduling and social networking tools to keep your life and work in sync.
Microsoft Corporation
6% remove
The Microsoft Office Single Image v15.1 OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) is a set of tools, documentation, and product files that licensed original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) can use to preload Office 2013 on new computers for distribution to end users.
Microsoft Corporation
5% remove
The main features of Office 2010 include the backstage file menu, new collaboration tools, a customizable ribbon, protected view and a navigation panel. Microsoft Office is an office suite of desktop applications, servers and services for the Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems.
Microsoft Corporation
2% remove
Using SharePoint Designer, you can rapidly create SharePoint solutions in response to business needs. Compose no-code solutions that encompass a variety of common scenarios, from collaborative sites and web publishing to Line-Of-Business data integration, business intelligence solutions, and human workflows, all leveraging the building blocks available in SharePoint in an easy to use environment. Developers can use SharePoint Designer 2...
Microsoft Corporation
5% remove
Visio Professional 2010 takes diagramming to a bold new level with dynamic, data-driven visualization tools and templates, and advanced sharing through the Web. Bring the big-picture and real-time data from multiple sources, including Excel, Microsoft SQL Server, and SharePoint lists, together in one powerful diagram. Then see real-time changes to data right within your diagram, displayed through vibrant graphics such as icons, colors a...
Microsoft Corporation
1% remove
Microsoft Visio Premium 2010 takes diagramming to a bold new level with dynamic, data-driven visualization tools and templates, powerful process-management features, and advanced sharing capabilities through the Web. Bring the big-picture and real-time data from multiple sources, including Microsoft Excel 2010 and Microsoft SQL Server, together in one powerful diagram with vibrant graphics such as icons, colors, and data bars. Manage yo...
Microsoft Corporation
3% remove
Organize projects, manage finances and build a better way to do business with tools from Microsoft Office Professional 2010. Exchange ideas with customers and business partners remotely with Web Apps--it's another way you can stay connected to your business wherever you are. Plus, build professional databases and marketing materials with dynamic do-it-yourself tools in Access 2010 and Publisher 2010 available ONLY with Office Profession...
Microsoft Corporation
11% remove
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 is an office suite of desktop applications, servers and services. The Home and Student only contain Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. Office 2010 marks the debut of free online versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote, which work in the web browsers Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari, but not Opera. Office 2010 is more "role-based" than previous versions. There are features ta...
Microsoft Corporation
1% remove
Microsoft Outlook 2010 offers premium business and personal e-mail management tools to more than 500 million Microsoft Office users worldwide. With the release of Outlook 2010, you get a richer set of experiences to meet your communication needs at work, home, and school. From a redesigned look to advanced e-mail organization, search, communication and social networking features, Outlook 2010 provides you with a world-class experience ...


Startup files (user) run
Runs under the registry key 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run'
  • 'GrooveMonitor' → C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEMN.EXE

ResourcesResource utilization

(Note: statistics below are averages based on a minimum sample size of 200 unique participants)
Total CPU:0.00007477%
Kernel CPU:0.00004693%
User CPU:0.00002784%
Kernel CPU time:499 ms/min
Private memory:2.41 MB
21.59 MB
Private (maximum):2.48 MB
Private (minimum):1.71 MB
Non-paged memory:2.41 MB
21.59 MB
Virtual memory:55.88 MB
140.96 MB
Virtual memory (peak):57.26 MB
169.69 MB
Working set:1.75 MB
18.61 MB
Working set (peak):5.98 MB
37.95 MB
Resource allocations
GUI GDI count:20
GUI GDI peak:22
GUI USER count:4
GUI USER peak:4

BehaviorsProcess properties

Integrety level:Medium
Command line:"C:\Program Files\microsoft office\office14\groovemn.exe"
Parent process:explorer.exe (Windows Explorer by Microsoft Corporation)

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 40.00%
Windows 7 Professional 40.00%
Microsoft Windows XP 20.00%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 40.00% of Microsoft Office 2010.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Hewlett-Packard 100.00%
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